Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Saturday Fun with the grandkids UPDATED PIXS

Sat May 2, 2009

See that Baseball above Maddie's head, he will hit it, way far.
Of course everybody likes the playground fun.

Julia calls this a birds nest hanging.

Had all three hanging upside down for ahwile there.

Playing Tic Tac Toe in the nature, with grass blades and dandelions for markers.

Lily holding on for dear life.

This barrel is not so much fun when you keep falling off of it.

Hey Daddy, look I can go across by myself already.

On Saturday morning we did some gardening work around my house. Then we left to go to play in the park and meet up with Stef and his 3 kids. We played in the park playground and had a picnic lunch. By late afternoon Lily needed a nap and Stef went home and Maddie went with me and Suzia's 3 kids. Maddie wanted to sleep over when Julia was sleeping over. Tonight Ela will be sleeping at her church, her youth group is having a sleep overnight. Ela also invited her friend Gloria to spend the night.
Well we finally made it back to my house for the night. Had ice cream for dessert and then we had a game of catch the ball in the night by the light of the moon. We washed up now and are ready finally for bedtime. Babcia is tired already.

Pictures will follow, when I return to MY computer to post them.


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