Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thursday watching MSL Slippery driveway

Maddie, Stevie & Lily is who I am with on Thursdays. Stef & Karen work and this is one of my days' to be with them. Maddie and Stevie both go to pre-school, one in the morning and the other one in the afternoon. Dinner is usually at Stef's house so Maddie gets to help me whether I am at their house or my house. Maddie gets to help cut the ends of the string beans very carefully. Since dziadzia loves string beans just as much as she does, she wants them to be perfect for dinner when he comes over tonight. All three love to help out in the kitchen as well as setting the table. Thank goodness for Corelle dishes.
This morning was very icy and I just happened to slip while getting the kids ready to go into the van. I did bonk my head when I fell on the driveway and I think I will have a little bruise on my butt. But hey this is winter.


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