Sunday, December 07, 2008

Our Annual Christmas Party

I am thankful for the time that we enjoyed last night with our close friends and family. It was a terrific party. If I do say so myself,being that the last people to leave (Diane & Bruno) didn't leave till 2AM. I will post some pictures of the event when I can co-ordinate all the pictures taken by people last night.
We had new members join us this year, Karen's parents Dee & Ken. The crowd was dressed all in different shades of red tops, although a little proding was needed with some (Mollie). But all's well that ends well.
The variety of snacks and goodies brought to this house was amazing. The food that was shared by friends was delicious and was consumed with great gusto. The turkey did not fare long on the platter, he dissappeared very quickly. It took longer (all of 71 minutes) to deep-fry him (Koy did the work) then to eat him. The desserts were plentiful and colorful and a finger linkin' good.
Our photographer for the evening was Suzia, she must have taken over 100 pictures I am sure. Can't wait to see them all and post a LOT.
The singing was on pitch this year as we practiced all year round with our voices.
Everybody remembered ALL the words to the Christmas Carols that we sang, like the words to the 12 Days of Christmas. The bells got another workout this year, being used almost for every carol, except the lullabyes.
The reindeer paraded around the house in their glory with their antlers, led by the birthday girl Julia as Rudolph.
Santa made his usual appearance to the joy of the children present. Some were not so trusting of the "old soul", like Lily and Little Stevie M. but made their way to get their gift from dear "Old Santa".(Thanks Pete R. ) I even got to sit on his lap, (sorry for giving you a sore knee for that). Maddie and Stevie K. were sorry that they were not able to get to see the reindeers on the housetop.
Sorry to the folks who were not feeling well enough to come this year, hoping that you feel better soon. Like Richie, Basia, Maciek, Halina and Andy. Stay healthy and take care of yourselves. Thank you to the ones that did come even though you were not feeling the greatest.
Bruno was doing great hopping on his crutches, this makes week one of 6 to go.


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