Sunday, April 20, 2008

Fridays trip to Detroit area 4-18 & 19, 2008

2 sisters Basia & Daniella
Teddy showing Ela some moves with playing Chess

Hey Look what I found in the closet. Viva to you.
I do not like chocolate cake, oh yuck chocolate says Julia.
Pra-Babcia Zosia and Maegan.
Tadzio, Babcia, Julia and Stevie
Denise still with a towel on her hair and in her garden.
The concert at Tadzio's house with Ela, Julia & Stevie
In church Stevie and Denise
Corinne, Adas Maegan and myself

At the cemetary, Suzia, Daniella & Zosia

On Friday April 18, we left to Detroit. We means, myself, my mom, Suzia and her 3 children. We left around 5:30pm. Got to Detroit to Basia (my sister's house)around 11:30 pm. Detroit time. We made good time driving there, good traffic and weather conditions. Spent the night at my sisters house. Her husband Teddy came in on Friday evening. The occasion we went to Detroit? My Godson Adas' daughter Maegan, she would be making her 1st Communion on Saturday April 19 ,2008. There were about 10-12 children making their 1st Communion. We got to visit with family.
On Saturday it was a whirlwind day. It started out with us going out to have breakast, then off to the cemetary to "see" my dad, Edward. He is buried there. So a quick stop, and a prayer and then off to see the IROCK CLUB. Club was still closed at this time. Tadzio, my youngest nephew was on my list to see next. Woke him up, then the kids, Ela, Julia & Stevie had a concert at the house there. He and his 2 brothers own and run the IROCK Club in Detroit. Next visit was to Stevie & Denise house, walked in on them also unexpected. Denise just got out of the shower and Stevie was vacumming the rugs. Walked around the outside yard and hit the road again. Then back to Barbara's house to change and get ready to go to church for the Communion. After the church service a quick stop at Adam and Corinnes home for a bite of dinner and off we go back HOME.Ela, Julia & Stevie enjoyed seeing their 2nd? cousins for a while. We left at 9:00pm Detroit time and made it back home by 2:00AM in the morning. The weather did not co-operate as well as it did going there. It rained for about an hour and then we hit some very foggy patches in Indiana on the way home. Kids were fast asleep in the van. My mom of course was our back-seat driver and kept an eye on the road for us the whole time. We shared the driving time back with Suzia and myself.


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