Sunday, April 20, 2008

Arizonians visit us

A nice visit from Kris and Stan from Arizona.

Stefan's sister Krys and her husband Stan came to dinner at our house on Monday evening April 14, 2008. It was also an early Birthday celebration for my son Steve. Kris is his godmother. We had the whole family over, all the kids and grandkids got to see them. Dinner was not quiet by any means. If you know what I mean, well with 16 of us around the table it got a little loud. "Please pass the ...., please pass this..... and that" etc. I had made my meatballs. Well everyone liked them so much that by the evenings' end they were nibbled down to the last one gone. My secret (Don't tell anyone, I put celery, carrots onions and spinach in the mix.) Lots of gravy to disguise the color of the meatballs, a little green from the spinach. Suzia's Stevie had asked if he could sit next to Stan and they had a grand old time talking about stuff. Kris got to spend time with all 6 of my grandchildren, then Karen came after work. Lily and Pan Maca found a way to sit in my firewood basket. My son Stef was under the weather, and trying to feel a little better since he got HIT with strep throat that morning, and on antibiotics since noon.
Talks with Kris and Stefan got very long winded, they both like to make long story's short. (Hah! what a line)
The evening finally ended around 1:00am in the morning.


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