Wednesday, April 30, 2008

First May Birthday goes to....

Happy Birthday to Teddy on May 1st in Wisconsin in McFarland. STO LAT to you Pan Tadzio. Hope that you get a restful evening, cause tomoroow night you won't sleep. You will stay up all night waiting for the returneees of the prom. Have fun, been there, done that.

April 30 Birthday wishes to Paul

Happy Birthday wishes to you and Sto Lat on your Birthday on the 30th of April Mr. Paul K.

Monday, April 28, 2008

5YEAR Anniversary Steve & Karen

We all had a brunch meal at Maxfields on Sunday, then afterwards I took all 6 of my grandkids and went to the playground/park. We stayed for about an hour there, and then we went to The Enchanted Castle to play indoors in the Jungle Gym area and "DO" the token machines.
Steve & Karen did some clothes shopping for their Las Vegas trip next week, and then came home and did some yard work, cutting out bushes and cutting up branches, and cutting up the wood from the deck that he had removed earlier in the week.
Suzia & Koy also went shopping to Menards to finsih up laast minute details for items that will be needed for up NORTH when they go building their home.
After I dropped off all the grandkids we still stayed for dinner at Suzia and Koy for the evening. Got home around 8:30pm. What a fun filled day we had and enjoyable also.

Snow on April 28, 2008

Yep it is snowing right now in my area. Flurries mixed with rain but you can tell it is snowing. Cold also, and I can't believe that just a few days ago we reached a high temperature of 82 and today it is barely 38. Frost warnings for tonight also.

Forgot about this visit

On April 12, I took Ela, Julia & Stevie to a Reptilefest at University of Chicago. It was a 2 day exhibition of reptiles. There must have been hundreds of them, and you were allowed to TOUCH quite a few of them. Well Julia being the brave one always was the first to Yes I want to hold that ....... Ela was enthralled and NOW wants a snake for a pet. Stevie was a bit more cautious when it came to handling them. I've got to tell you that the snakes are not slimmy at all as you would think. It was a slippery feeling like satin or something like that. The Big Red Wagon was on display outside of the building where they make the Red Wagons on ... I forgot what street we where on. I drove all the way down to UIC on side streets. Mainly down Grand ave. WOW what a change since I used to live in that neighborhood area. We passed by where Stefan used to work on Grand and Western ave. Then by my old house on California and North ave area. Where I worked at the Norwegian American Hospital on Division and California. I also mentioned to them ans showed them the place where Stefan was HELD -UP at gunpoint years and years ago. Ok now I am going back in history, oops back to the NOW.

How do you like Julia's new Boa neckwarmer? The snake skeleton is mighty impressive also. The small crocodiles, and we saw many old ones that would not do much harm to anyone at this age. The big yellow snake that we are holding on our laps in an Albino Boa? I think. It was so long that it did not even fir on our laps.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

4-28-08 ONE YEAR Already

How about that, Diane & Bruno are in their house already one year. Time does fly quick.

Renee moved back to Chicago area 4-26-08

Greetings Renee and family, glad to hear that you moved back to be near mama and daddy. I am sure they will love to have Laith so close now. Hope to see you sometimes this summer.

Happy 5th Anniversary Steve & Karen 4-27-08

Can you believe it, it is already 5 years since they got married.

Posing for family picture are Maddie, Steve, Stefciu, Karen and Lily. We will be going out all 12 of us for lunch to Maxfield's in Lombard to celebrate on the real day. Next weekend we will be having a party and also celebrating Steve's 30th Birthday.

Diane visiting Florida 4-26-08

Diane flew down to visit Janette Payton & Paul for a few days. Hope that the weather will be great for her visit. Payton is such a BIG girl now.

Temp reached 82 here in 4-25-08

Yes siree the temperatures reached a high of 82 degrees in the Chicago area, then on Saturday they dropped to a high of only 48. And you thought you lived in a fickle area, just try to live here for one day. Snow flurries are predicted for the weekend. Just when I thought I put my coat away and got my swimsuit out. Hah Mother Nature said No way not yet.

Friday, April 25, 2008

April 24, 2008 My tooth

When was the last time you had a tooth pulled? Well it has been at least 20 years for me. I had a tooth that was fixed/filled at least 4 times, this time the filling fell out and the nerve was touchy. So the Dentist said it was time to pull it out. YOUCH??? It was a bottom back molar that was hard to get at, but it came out all in one piece. Lucky for me. Now the $ really starts to come, I need to be fitted for a bridge then etc. and etc and etc. $ $ $ $ . Just thought you might want to know what was going on in my life.

Happy 1st Birthday to Christian

STO LAT, did Babcia Jadzia get you a big present? Happy 1st Birthday to you, See you soon.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Koy took Ela & Julia to work for the day. Stevie is not old enough to go yet.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Our Anniversary to Irena 4-22-08

We re-met in 1981 so Happy Anniversary to you on our DAY.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

April 20, 2008- 1st Communion Ashley

Ashley G. had made her 1st Communion today. We celebrated with her later in the evening with a dinner celebration at the Wellington Restaurant.
Congratulations and May God keep you in his Blessings.

Fridays trip to Detroit area 4-18 & 19, 2008

2 sisters Basia & Daniella
Teddy showing Ela some moves with playing Chess

Hey Look what I found in the closet. Viva to you.
I do not like chocolate cake, oh yuck chocolate says Julia.
Pra-Babcia Zosia and Maegan.
Tadzio, Babcia, Julia and Stevie
Denise still with a towel on her hair and in her garden.
The concert at Tadzio's house with Ela, Julia & Stevie
In church Stevie and Denise
Corinne, Adas Maegan and myself

At the cemetary, Suzia, Daniella & Zosia

On Friday April 18, we left to Detroit. We means, myself, my mom, Suzia and her 3 children. We left around 5:30pm. Got to Detroit to Basia (my sister's house)around 11:30 pm. Detroit time. We made good time driving there, good traffic and weather conditions. Spent the night at my sisters house. Her husband Teddy came in on Friday evening. The occasion we went to Detroit? My Godson Adas' daughter Maegan, she would be making her 1st Communion on Saturday April 19 ,2008. There were about 10-12 children making their 1st Communion. We got to visit with family.
On Saturday it was a whirlwind day. It started out with us going out to have breakast, then off to the cemetary to "see" my dad, Edward. He is buried there. So a quick stop, and a prayer and then off to see the IROCK CLUB. Club was still closed at this time. Tadzio, my youngest nephew was on my list to see next. Woke him up, then the kids, Ela, Julia & Stevie had a concert at the house there. He and his 2 brothers own and run the IROCK Club in Detroit. Next visit was to Stevie & Denise house, walked in on them also unexpected. Denise just got out of the shower and Stevie was vacumming the rugs. Walked around the outside yard and hit the road again. Then back to Barbara's house to change and get ready to go to church for the Communion. After the church service a quick stop at Adam and Corinnes home for a bite of dinner and off we go back HOME.Ela, Julia & Stevie enjoyed seeing their 2nd? cousins for a while. We left at 9:00pm Detroit time and made it back home by 2:00AM in the morning. The weather did not co-operate as well as it did going there. It rained for about an hour and then we hit some very foggy patches in Indiana on the way home. Kids were fast asleep in the van. My mom of course was our back-seat driver and kept an eye on the road for us the whole time. We shared the driving time back with Suzia and myself.

Happy 44th Birthday Adas

My godson Adas in Detroit area celebrated his 44th Birthday on April 18, 2008. Can you really be that age, since I am only still 39.......

Happy 8th Birthday Justin

April 17, was the 8th birthday celebration for Justynek. Sto Lat, Happy Birthday. Did you get to see Babcia Jadzia?

Arizonians visit us

A nice visit from Kris and Stan from Arizona.

Stefan's sister Krys and her husband Stan came to dinner at our house on Monday evening April 14, 2008. It was also an early Birthday celebration for my son Steve. Kris is his godmother. We had the whole family over, all the kids and grandkids got to see them. Dinner was not quiet by any means. If you know what I mean, well with 16 of us around the table it got a little loud. "Please pass the ...., please pass this..... and that" etc. I had made my meatballs. Well everyone liked them so much that by the evenings' end they were nibbled down to the last one gone. My secret (Don't tell anyone, I put celery, carrots onions and spinach in the mix.) Lots of gravy to disguise the color of the meatballs, a little green from the spinach. Suzia's Stevie had asked if he could sit next to Stan and they had a grand old time talking about stuff. Kris got to spend time with all 6 of my grandchildren, then Karen came after work. Lily and Pan Maca found a way to sit in my firewood basket. My son Stef was under the weather, and trying to feel a little better since he got HIT with strep throat that morning, and on antibiotics since noon.
Talks with Kris and Stefan got very long winded, they both like to make long story's short. (Hah! what a line)
The evening finally ended around 1:00am in the morning.

Good Neighbor Sam...ooops Peter

Yes there was a movie by that name also. But our neighbor Peter is better than good, he is great. He had a Birthday on April 13, so we were invited over for this special celebration to his house. All the way across our driveway. Happy Birthday and Sto Lat Peter.

Wedding Shower 4-13-2008

In honor for Mikey and Mollie, Anna had a wedding shower for them at Cafe La Cave on Mannheim. It was beautifully decorated by Annie and her friend Genia. The guests enjoyed a wonderful and very filling luncheon. The gifts were plentiful and beautiful. Andy, Mikeys brother left me in charge of finishing the videotaping this occasion. The ending of the shower was the best (at least in my opinion). The race with the toilet paper was the funniest I have seen in a long time. The winner.....Ta Dah... Mollie.

Golf Season starts April 12, 2008

With the start of Golf season on April 12, 2008, that will mean that Stefan will be gone every Saturday morning on his Golf League till about noon. He golfs with his friend Andy.

Snow 12-15" in Upper Michigan

Well with that amount of snow falling, Suzia & Koy had to postpone their trip to Upper Michigan for a few weeks later. They were going to go for 3-4 days leaving on April 11. Plans changed and they stayed home.

Sto Lat Pani Lottie T. in Chicago

Happy Birthday wishes to Pani Lottie T. on April 4th. I got to talk to Kris S. and wished her mom a very Happy Birthday and STO LAT. She was in her garden getting stuff ready for spring. At think she was 87, at this age I admire her for still working in the garden.

Jadzia celebrated a Birthday

On April 4th, Jadzia celebrated her birthday also. A few days earlier she was in Paris and Tunisia with Staszek, enjoying seeing family out there.
Happy Beleated Birthday Wishes and STO LAT to Jadzia.

April 4, 60th Birthday

Happy 60th Birthday Bruno, STO LAT from your brother Stefan and sister in law, Daniella..

Bruno celebrated his 60th Birthday on April 4, 2008. He purchased a Harley Davidson motorcycle to celebrate this occasion. On Friday evening Stefan and I joined Bruno, Diane,Bo, Irena & Wes for dinner at Baileys for a Birthday celebration. On Saturday Bruno joined Stefan and Andy, Andy & Danek for a ride to Madison Wisconsin. I think Bruno had a little sore butt after this ride. But he is a trooper and managed very well. On Sunday Diane had made a party for Bruno at his home.

Just got back from Detroit

I know , I know I said I will catch up on April. Today is another busy day.,

I have to mention in April, Birthdays, like Bruno, Jadzia, Justynek, Adas, Kim,Pani Lottie, Wedding Shower I went to of Mikey & Mollie, 1st Communions of Maegan and then Ashley, Anniversaries, 5th Steve & Karen's coming up, then Irena's,catching up on friends health issues, my health issues, family that we visited or that visited us. Yep that's a lot to catch up on. Right now as of today, Stefan is out Motorcycling again with his friend Andy and some other guys. Got to find some more time to do all this, but I WILL DO IT.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


I got notice today that we are clear to go... So as of tomorrow I will try to play catch up on posting news and tidbits on my family and friends.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

In case you are keeping track....

I did not post Halina's Birthday message, because I got to see her for her Birthday and wished her already. But anyways I will post, Halina hope that you had a wonderful Birthday day on March 16, 2008. STO LAT to you.