Friday, February 01, 2008

ELA's Ski Trip Cancelled--Snow Shoveling at Babcia

Well snow is good for skiing, but when it snowed sooo much that the schools were closed, well that is not so good. Ela was looking forward to going to her ski trip, then on Thursday evening it started snowing and snowing. By the evening it had already snowed 6 inches. By FRIDAY morning it had snowed from 8-12 inches in OUR area. The schools were closed for the day. The ski trip will be re-scheduled. (Good to know). For now it was a fun day to BE home for the day.
And you thought the slide was to be used only in warm weather, Maddie enjoys herself even in the snow, going downhill.

IT'S SNOWING ..........IT'S SNOWING...................

THURSDAY evening it took Steve an hour 45 min to get to our house to pick up the kids. So when he did arrive, I bundled Maddie & Stevie in their snow suits and out they went for a roll in the snow. Stevie helped with the shoveling and Maddie made some terrific snowballs
It took Stefan almost the same amount of time as it did Steve to get home. Little Lily I did not send out in the cold, she watched as her sister Maddie threw snowballs at the door . I heard on the news that it took people 3 hours to drive to O'Hare from Downtown.
Steve helped us dig out with the snowblower.


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