Tuesday, January 29, 2008

That's Chicago winter weather for you!

So, how many of you have experienced a 50 degree temperature difference in one 24 hour period during Winter in Chicagoland? Well, after tonight, you can say you did.

This afternoon, it was over 50 degrees outside. Then the temperatures starting dropping around 3pm. The overnight low tonight had been predicted to reach a low of 2 below zero. The winter storm watch brought freezing temperatures - and roads. After,almost three days of temperatures well above freezing, all the snow and ice had melted. The moisture in the roads and ground will freeze, causing icy patches on the roads.

The biggest shiver-inducing part of this all is the wind. Wind gusts over 50mph are expected. The fast and frigid wind will make the air temperature feel like 20 to 30 below zero! How's that for frosty!

So, if you're out tonight, I hope you bundle up and keep warm! Frostbite is a sure thing for exposed skin if you're out too long without being bundled up in these temperatures.

My evening class tonight were cancelled at Benedictine, since commuter students come from quite a ways in many cases. (I have one classmate who comes from Oswego, another from Orland Park.) I doubt that the kids will have school called off tomorrow, barring any unforeseen incidents (like the water lines at school freezing or something). As it is, they all have a half day tomorrow, with the school day ending just shy of noon.

So, to all those who have to be outdoors tonight and in the cold morning... dress warm, bundle up, and drive safely.


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