Monday, March 28, 2011

Bye Bye CHEWY 3-28-2011

I guess the time has come to put our little cat Chewy (Chewbacca) to sleep. This morning was the last straw, she fell down the stairs and is crying in pain I presume. She has been sick the past 4-5 weeks. She would not make it to the litter box, have accidents all over, spit up on the floor. She was loosing weight also.
Then when she got better (I thought) she lost her sight. I noticed that she would bump into walls and chairs and doors. She did not see anymore well enough to get to her food and her box. I had to carry her to IT.
So today after she fell down the stairs I called the vet and made an appointment with her in the afternoon, to have her put to sleep.

GOOD BYE CHEWY, it was nice having you around.

P.S. the Vet said that she did have cataracts in both eyes and was surprised that she did as well as she could have. She was really just skin and bones as of the last few weeks. Also the Vet thinks she might have hurt her front right paw, because she did limp in the exam room. SO I know I did the right thing......But it still hurts to put an animal to sleep after you have had her for so long as a companion.


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