Monday, January 03, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEARS to all 2011

We were in Florida for a week with 2 of our grand-daughters, Ela and Julia.

We had a wonderful time too bad that the weather was not really too warm. We stayed with my sister Barbara and her husband Teddy. We visited our niece Janette and Paul and Payton in Orlando.
Got to see Disney World again with Ela and Julia. They were with us in 2003 when we were there also. Although I don't think they remembered a lot from that visit. We visited in 2003 with Suzia and her 3 children, after Stefans 5-way bypass that he had had in January of that year.

Hope that everybody is staying healthy for the year.

May this be the BEST year for you yet. Stay healthy happy and may it be very prosperous for you. May you accomplish all that you WANT to do.

If you get a chance or a quick moment then call us and let us know how YOU are doing.


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