Sunday, December 05, 2010

Our Annual CHRISTMAS PARTY Dec 4, 2010

By the time we took this picture some of the guests had already left, so this is not a complete picture of the fantastic friends and family. As you can see most of the hats have come off by now, so you could get a better look at our faces. Halina face front, oh well I will have to photoshop you in and also Suzia because she took this picture. More pictures to follow soon.
Enjoying some snacks before we sang.

Anybody for some dried fruit for energy?
Okay we are all set, our Red hats are on, song books in hand and bells are ready to be rung.
Getting a close -up of the future mommy and daddy in February.

Ela on Santa's lap.

Okay we got the Krakowiak all memorized now to remember it from way back in our youth...which was only a FEW years ago????

Singing a solemn AVE MARIA.
We ate and we sang and we danced and we laughed and we cried and we ate some more and we rang those bells loud and clear. Sang some more and then Santa came and we laughed and had a fun time all evening.

We enjoyed all the snacks and finger food brought by ALL to enjoy. There sure was no shortage of food tonight.


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