Friday, October 01, 2010

OCTOBER, Happy Fall Weather to all

October has come in and the weather is cooling down. Hope that you get to enjoy this time of the year. With all the weather changes that we go thru in Illinois, I sure do enjoy the changes, you?

Wouldn't live anywhere where there are no changes. How could you have the first flower of spring?.....the first snowfall?........Christmas in the sand and warm weather?.......Halloween in your swimsuit?............Easter egghunt in the pool?.........New Years' Eve on the beachfront? Well maybe that one I could do, but decorating my Christmas lights on the outside of the house when it is 75-80 degrees? I don't think so.

UNLESS I have won the lottery, just like I did........WOOOOHOOO Oh wait I was only dreaming, I did not win.

Have a great October Day.


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