Friday, October 15, 2010

My tough Little Cookie ....JULIA

We all thought that Julia had just sprained her thumb before the game. She insisted on not telling the coach about her thumb. She said that if he knew he would take her OUT of the game. So she played with the pain. Friday morning Suzia had taken her to the Orthopedic Dr. for an appoint and they x-rayed her hand. Julia had a dislocated hairline fracture of the right thumb. Yes she has a cast on it. The appoint. took from 10am and they got out at 2pm. Of course Julia HAD to go back to school to have the cast autographed by her friends. Then they came over for dinner so she could show us her cast. It is a bright orange, for Halloween of course. She was just in a little pain she said after dinner, so they went home to give her some more Ibuprofen for the throbbing. My tough little cookie got crumbled...just this once....for now........


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