Saturday, September 18, 2010

LONG Weekend, Labor Day 2010-PIX

FIRST of all let me tell you that these pictures are in reverse order. Ok I need to learn to post them in reverse to be seen last one last and first one first. But you get the picture right???

We left on Friday to go up North to be with Suzia and her family. Stefan helped out with some siding work, and then with some stuff around where the soffitt and fascia are (where the gutters would be if they were there. This is as close as I can describe the area. Suzia got caught up with her painting around the windows and doors. Watch out for her when she has the chainsaw in her hand. She does a good job on the woodchopping. Standing on scaffolding makes me dizzy, but they were up there working on it for most of the weekend.
The weather was cool for us up north. Sleeping with the Pierzyna covering my nose, the picture? (Yes I remembered to pack it, just in case.) (Could have used more sweatshirts and gloves, but we survived). You will notice the kids had their sleeves pulled over their hands. We were planning on going up north on Stefan's Harley, but on Friday we saw the weather predictions and it did not look like it would a good idea to go on the motorcycle. So we forgot about that idea and joined Suzia inside her van with the whole family and dog. We entertained ourselves with playing games, reading books, decks of cards were around as were the woods to explore. The Go-Cart got used also by us. We went Geo-caching, walking on Lake Superior and in the woods. Looking at waterfalls, grocery shopping etc. Ela made a new friend, the next door campers had 3 children. See how they entertained themselves, by wrapping the tarp and then rolling out of it. Ela also got to drive, yes actually drive the van on the roads there. Well it's not like there are that many cars on those dirt roads. What did I do??? I got to do a lot of resting. You see me just sitting there, right? doing nothing....
We returned on Tuesday, feeling refreshed and tired at the same time. Glad that Koy and Stefan and Suzia got a lot of work done.


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