Monday, August 16, 2010

Set #1 Vacation at the Cabin with the family July 2010

You asked for it, here are the pictures from our vacation up North at the cabin. I will try to publish in sets. There are so many that captions will have to be your own. We had a lot of fun and we did a lot of things.
We had picked one day to do some Holiday things, like Valentines heart shaped breakfast pancakes, Easter Egghunt for all 6 of the grandkids(It rained and we still did it), BBQ picnic-lunch to celebrate Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day together), then we had a turkey dinner for Thanksgiving. The evening was about over by then so we postponed having the Christmas and New Years Celebration till a few days later. This was called our Holiday "Day". For our Christmas day we had collected pinecones and decorated them. Then put them on "Our Tree", we had our Reindeer and Santa hats on. (Felt funny to be in bathing suits and be singing Jingle Bells, and then of course Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer. Babcia led the parade of reindeers on the sand. We opened our gifts, and then when it got dark (which does not happen up there till 9:45PM, sun sets really really late) we watched the fireworks display put on by Koy and Steve. Some nights we were up till midnight and the kids were still going strong, not much to say for the adults, but we hung on also. We also celebrated Suzia and Koy's 15th Wedding Anniversary (see the bouquet of flowers that were picked that day?) Meals were always a fun time together, the help for setting the dishes and table and then cleanup was a fun chore to do. Babcia did some of the cooking and then had help on other days.... I see by our pictures that Ela was in quiet a few cleanups. Who got to sleep with Babcia and Dziadzia?...Everybody did something (Dziadzia does not do dishes) but he was the Mr. Fix it for most everything there. He put down a nice brick walkway in front of the steps to go into the house. So the sand would stay outside and not go IN as much. We all had time to do OUR thing and relax and play also. Jet skiing, water tubing,swimming, reading a book-magazine, playing volleyball, tether ball,bocci ball, collecting firewood, making s'mores, picking flowers for crowns,the mosquitoes,playing toss the ball into the bucket,(remeber Bozo type?), working on the chimney, putting up the swings, and the hammocks,climbing the scaffolding that was up by the house, sleeping in tents, inside the house and outside, dancing in the house, hunting for Easter Eggs, the BIG treasure hunt(put on by Koy & Steve) for the goodies,(Which took a better part of the day to finish). The blueberry picking, the ride into town to do laundry and playing in the local playground.............then the packing to go home and saying goodbye to this place. Oh well till next time.......


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