Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy Birthday to Paul K. 2010

Wishing you a great year ahead. Happy Birthday and Sto Lat to you.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 28, 2010 3 Years already?????

Bruno and Diane moved into their house in Inverness on this day. Does not seem that 3 years already have passed. But it is true.....
Wishing you many more happy memories in your new home.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Maddie & Stevie not feeling to good

Maddie got hit with Strep Throat yesterday morning and by evening Stevie was not feeling great either. The awful feeling in the throat, the itchy-ness and soreness, not to mention the fever that goes along with it. Hope that this bug goes away quickly and does not linger any longer than necessary in the household. And leave my Lily-belle out of this you nasty bug.
Sorry for Karen and Stef to have to spend their Anniversary taking care of sick kids. But that is life, you never know.. Hoping to be able to celebrate this day with you soon.

Love you and see you soon.

Happy Anniversary to Karen & Stef 2010

I can't believe where the time has gone. All those years and so much fun and memories of you both and your family. We wish you many, many more years together and lots of fun and happiness in your lives.

STO LAT, STO LAT to you both.

Hugs and Buzi from Mama & Popsie to you both.

Babcia Hela went home Monday 4-26--10

As of Monday evening she was dismissed from the hospital and went home. She will be on antibiotics for a few more days. Then the stitches will have to be removed and all's well that ends well. So much for having a day where nothing happens...........

Sunday, April 25, 2010

UPDATE Babcia Hela Sun April 25, 2010

Babcia Hela is still in the Hospital. She had minor hand surgery on Saturday morning. They cleaned out the infection and her hand swelling has gone down. She is doing fine, they are keeping her for a few more days to make sure the infection is all gone. She probably will be going home on Monday. She is walking the halls to keep busy, as she does not see the TV from her bed.

Will keep you posted.

Happy 3rd Birthday Christian K. April 25, 2010

A very Happy 3rd Birthday to you. Hoping that your celebration is a fun one today. Sto Lat to you. My!... how you have grown since the last time I got to see you.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Babcia Hela in Hospital

I took my mother in law to the ER this afternoon along with Stefciu's kids in tow. Today was my day to take care of them. So after picking them up from school at 11:30 I headed to her house to take her to the ER. Bogdan's cat bit her left hand and as of this morning it did not look good or feel good. Her regular doctor was not in today and they recommend that she be seen by a doctor either way, so of to the ER we took her. We got to Resurrection Hospital at 1pm. I finally got back to the parking lot at 5pm. I tried to keep Maddie, Stevie and Lily busy the whole time, not an easy task to keep them busy in a room separated with a curtain. Don't worry, there was no one in the next room. We did not encounter seeing any life experiences that would harm or scare them. The lights were very bright and it hurt Babcia's eyes so she kept her visor on in the room.
We played Simon Says, Can you find a clock in the room,... can you find etc..... We colored, We ate and snacked some more. We watched the nurses as they took care of Babcia Hela, taking her blood pressure, her temperature, starting a IV,....We read books.......Maddie colored a picture of Babcia in the E. R. room. She was admitted for the night to stay on antibiotics and should be released tomorrow sometime, if all goes well with her recuperation.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Great America Fun day 4-18-2010

Suzia and her family are at Great America today. Koy's work has a day just for the family and friends of workers. So they are off to a wonderful day packed with fun. Weather is kind of cool but nice, in the 60's by this afternoon.


Motorcycle Blessing Mass in Indiana 2010

Stefan drove to Indiana with some friends to have the Motorcycles Blessed. What will they think of next???
I think anything for a ride.........

Adam J. in Detroit STO LAT 4-18-2010

We wish you a very Happy Birthday today on this your 29th??????? Yeah right and I am Elizabeth Taylor... Am I??

Sto Lat to you and a very fun day for whatever you plan for today with the family.

Rest In Peace Pani Kwiatkowska 4-17-2010

Our friend Jadzia's mom passed away last night. She will probably be waked at Malec. Will post info when available.

Rest In Peace.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy 10th Birthday to Justin C. 4-17-2010

Have a wonderful Birthday today. Sto Lat to you and Happy Birthday

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Mr Pete 4-13-2010

A very Happy Birthday to our very good friend and neighbor Peter. STO LAT to you. Hope that your day is a fun and wonderful day. Have fun with the celebrations and your family in town.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Dinner treat at Suzia & Koy's house-FAMILY TIME

After we returned from the Reptile Fest, all of us enjoyed dinner at Suzia's (Stefan came after his motorcycling trip that day). The weather was still warm enough to eat and play outside. The firepit was on and it was nice. Their dogs were having fun being chased around the yard also. A snowsled was being used on the grass as a fun toy. Karen and Steve tried their best to pull all four of the kids on it. But it was tough.....
Suzia's yard is quiet large and a lot of fun to be had there as always. Jumping on the trampoline, playing volleyball, or tetherball, climbing on the huge tree, playing on the slides and swings,.... etc......

REPTILE Fest Sun 4-11-2010

We went to the Reptile Fest that was being held at the University of Chicago, on Roosevelt and Halsted. This is my 3rd year going there, this year Stef, Karen, Maddie, Stevie & Lily came along with Julia and Stevie K.

It is quiet a long drive down Roosevelt to get there. Kids kept asking "Are we there yet?". Anyways, when we finally made it there, we had a blast. Getting a chance to hold all kinds of reptiles was a treat for the kids. Some of them were not so quick to hold them till they saw that other kids were holding them and it was OK. From garden snakes, to boas, to geckos, lizards, crocodiles, turtles.........


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Can you ride a Rip-stick?

I think that is what they call those little boards. Anyways Stevie K. is doing really good on those things. He can maneuver up and down the driveway with little effort. Keep up the practicing and you will be really good by the end of summer.

Geneva and Barbara (J.) M. April 10, 2010

I spent the day with my friend from High School, Barbara. We met early in the day and then went "shopping" at most of the stores in the area. We hit quiet a few of them in a short time. We were looking for antique-ey stuff...... Okay, old stuff that we could afford.

We stopped for lunch at the Gratto in Geneva. After a long lunch and a lot of talking we made a few more stops and then it was time to hit the road for home. It has been way tooo many years since we last saw each other. I hope that it will not be that many years for our next visit together.
The Court House
The High Hat Store, which used to be a church.
Another stained glass window inside the store.
Us two shopping.
Outside the Geneva Chamber of Commerce.

Suzia rode a tractor today, where???

Well you need to ask Suzia why and where she did that.... She also used a chain saw, for what you ask???????

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

UPDATED Stefan's Test Results 4-7-2010

We went for the 6month check-up. The results were good, his counts are good not great but the oncologist, she was happy with them. His RBC is at 4.05 Normal is anywhere from 4.20 to 5.80. Low but okay....... His WBC is at 5.6 normal is 3.5 to 10.5 His hemoglobin is at 14.3, normal is 13.0 to 17.5, Hematocrit is at 41.6 normal is 38.0 to 50.0,...... His platelets are really taking a long time to get UP, they are at 148, normal is anywhere between 140 to 390. Sometimes they never make it up to the counts higher, but she said that it is OK with her. His cholesterol was also great, he is at 146. I forgot what his HDL and LDL were at this moment. But they must have been also ok, we would have heard about it from her on this topic if they were not.

So until next time sometime in October or even November will be his next check-up. He is still at every 6-7 months , till he reaches the five year mark after his stem cell transplant.
It has been 4 years this past January that he had the transplant. So tell US about how time flies and we can tell you what it is like to wait for your results. I know everybody HAS a STORY of their own to tell. You are always in our thoughts as we hope that we are in yours. We try to live One Day At A Time now.

So till next tie stay healthy and happy. Take care of yourselves.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Tuesday, Stefans' check-up 4-6-2010

Stefan will be having his check-up at the oncologist's office today. Labs are done first and then if it warrants a bone marrow check-up he will or will not have one done. So it depends on the outcome of his blood work. He has been doing great on the last 3-4 check-ups. They were having him come in every 6 months now. I think after this one, the next one will be in ONE year from now. (I hope.)

Will post results when we get home from the Oncologist's office check-up. We have an early start on Tuesday. Yes we both go to these visits. Got to leave the house by 6;30am.

Please say a prayer

Jadzia's mother had surgery this past weekend. She will be needing all the prayers that she could collect. She needed to have hip surgery, she fell down last week. Jadzia's mom is in her 80's.

Easter FUN and the Egg Hunt 4-4-2010

Brunch and Dinner were a fun time to be with the family. We enjoyed having everybody together at the table. Different seating arrangements for each meal. Teresa brought some of her favorite Easter dishes, stuffed with fish deviled eggs, also a few desserts that she made from scratch. Dishes were washed (by Suzia and my mom)and then the table was re-set for the next meal, with a different menu for the dinner. Karen was able to join us for dinner,(she got out of work a little bit earlier than she expected) Heniek and Teresa left to go home,(Heniek had to sneak in a power nap before going home) while Babcia Hela and Bogdan left to go to Diane and Bruno's house. Thanks Bogdan for bringing the Dessert.
Everybody got into the act. Even my mom was holding on to a basket, hoping to find some eggs, but she was told Pra-Babcia Zosia not you only the kids...... The Easter Bunny needed help hiding the "eggs", Stef, Koy, Daniel and Bogdan gave a hand. I must say that some the hiding places were out of reach (for the adults at least), but the kids FOUND a way to get them here and there and everywhere. Yes, that is Ela rock climbing the front of our house. Lily had to empty her basket once so she could collect some more. I am so glad that the weather held out till we finished most of the days activities. Then the skies opened up and we had a terrific light show and it poured.

We left to go to Bruno's house to celebrate his birthday. We got there later on in the evening. Better late than not at all, I say.