Monday, August 31, 2009

Motorcycles and...... 8-31-09

Today is one year that my brother Daniel had his motorcycle accident and he is doing great after a year. He has had one heck of a year in rehab and hospitals. But he is grateful that he recuperated so fine.

Good Luck Daniel in the future, and be careful with those motorcycles.

"ELENI' Concert 9-19-09 Saturday

On Sept 19 Saturday at the Pickwick Theater in Park Ridge, "ELENI" a Polish singer from Greece will be performing there, tickets are $35.00 per person, seats ARE numbered and it starts at 8pm. Let me know by the latest this Friday if you would like to join me & Stefan. If you would like to purchase your own tickets they can be bought at POLAMER.

I love her singing style, her songs are all in Polish.

Jill in Wisconsin Sto Lat 2009

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday today, 8-31-09.

How is the pregnancy going? Feeling anxious yet?

Happy Birthday Ann Schmidt 2009

Hope that you day today is a day for celebrating and not working? Working today? Best wishes to you today.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wedding Memories 8-28-09 Belia & Andy

Andy & Belia are now Mr. & Mrs...... We had a beautiful time at the ceremony and at the reception. Stefan was asked to do some video taping of the evening. Whatever he decided that needed to be taped. I also did some taping, but mostly I took pictures (as usual). Suzia was also taking a lot of pictures. These are some of the moments I captured on film (not film anymore but CD). You get the picture.. right...

The Ceremony booklet
Last minute fix ups.

The loooonggggg LIMO for the whole Bridal Party.

Lauren looking to see how many petals are left for her to distribute on the floor, as Alex is waiting his turn with the Ring Pillow.

A high Hello from the New Mr. & Mrs.

I got in the Photographers face a lot, and got some pictures at the same time he was taking them.

The Champagene Toast table set up.
Being greeted by Suzia, Koy, Steve & Karen.

Michelle, Lauren & Anna.
Michelle, Mikey & Mollie.

The FIRST DANCE. (Somebody took some lessons I think).
Beautiful moves on the dance floor, at the First Dance.

Dancing with Mama.

Lauren loves all the attention she is getting today also.

Enjoying a snuggle with my Mr.

Posing for the camera on the dance floor.

The "girls" on the dance floor.

Daniella & Stefan enjoy the "Polka".

Getting to Do the "Polka" with Andy also.

It's us again.

On the dance floor again.

Ashley loved being part of the DAY.

Mollie resting those feet a little in the evening. Mikey can't wait for the baby to arrive.
Andy's family and extended family pose together.

Mama Anna, and her children L-R Mikey, Anna, Andy, Michelle and Tony.

Genia, Anna & Daniella.

Watching the Floor show as Andy removes the garter.

Alex getting a sure high spot in case he wants to catch the garter from here.

Ciocia Daniella packed a surprise,.... some blueberry pierogi to snack on later, in case they got hungry. (Andy's favorite kind of course).

The final goodbye in the evening. Andy carries his new BRIDE.

There were a lot guests, but I was not able to post all MY pictures.
Once again Best wishes to the New Mr. & Mrs. Any & Belia. STO LAT to you both.

Kasia & Krzysiek G. Sto Lat

Happy Anniversary to you as you celebrate your 11th year together as of 8-29-09

Friday, August 28, 2009

WEDDING WISHES to Belia & Andy 8-28-09

Wishing you both a very Happy Wedding Day.
May this be the start of a special bond for you both.
STO LAT and we wish you a lot of Happiness , Health and Love.

Happy 3rd Birthday Michael Jan M. 2009

Hope that you are having a wonderful funny happy day today Michael M., you deserve it in Colorado.

Jan & Janine Happy 5th Anniversary 8-28-09

Sto Lat on another milestone year passed. With all the things that have gone in the past year I am sure glad this year rolled around just in time. Happy Times are sure to be in the forecast this year for your family in Colorado.

Happy Birthday to Mike Wisconsin 2009

Happy Birthday to a wonderful guy On August 28, 2009.
Sto Lat from my whole family here in the Chicago area, the M's, and K's and the other M's.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Happy 8th year at LOYOLA Karen 2009

Seems like you just started working there a few years only and here it is already 8 years. Congratulations.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hi Happy Birthday Alexis U. 8-26-09

A very Happy Birthday to Suzia's friend Alexis U. from Polish Scouts. Sto Lat to you Pani.

Sto Lat Michael in Arizona 2009

Michael is celebrating his special day today with a Birthday celebration. (Yes???) Did you take the day off and play hookey? How is Sonia? Will try to call in the afternoon.

UPDATE to Billiards FINAL 2009

YEAHHHH YEAHHHH, Karen & Steve's team won 1st place for the summer session.

Last full day before SCHOOL 2009

I went with the grandkids and Suzia & Karen to the Elmhurst Art Museum.... Well let's just say we are NOT Art appreciators. We got thru the whole museum in about 15 minutes. I guess a better place would be for the kids to be able to TOUCH this and TOUCH that, oh well. (I am sure glad that we came on a day that was free also and not have to pay to have done this quick thing). It was some exposure to some culture anyways. After the Museum we went to a park and the kids enjoyed themselves a lot more here. I brought along the electric scooters that we have and the regular scooter. Most of the kids took their turn riding around the park. The weather was great also. We munched on Kabanosy and snacks and juices. Time to go home around 4pm. Stef & Karen have their final Billiards tournament for the summer session tonight. (Hope they win). Maddie, Stevie & Lily will be spending the evening with us tonight.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy Anniversary in Wood Dale

Pani Stella and Pan Mieciu, Sto Lat i Happy Anniversary na ta rocznice 62 LAT.
Wszytkiego najlepszego w tym dniu dla was obuch.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Happy Anniversary to you in Arlington Heights

Sto Lat on this happy occasion. Well it is happy, cause you are still together Halina and Andy.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Happy 11th Birthday Morgan L. in Lake Zurich 8-18-2009

A very Happy Birthday to you. Sto Lat and we hope that you have a fun day with Babcia & Dziadzia also.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Koy is doing fine....

Koy awake after surgery.
Hi dad, how you doing?

Julia making sure she is "safe" to see dad.

Pre-op preparations.

Just in case you were all wondering how Koy is doing.... after his surgery. He is doing great. He does have to wear this protective neck brace while outdoors away from the house. This is mainly for other people to "Be careful". Around the house he does not wear it. He can drive with this on, and he could be in a car also.

He had neck surgery done on Suzia's Birthday August 5, to repair a herniated disc in his neck. Any other questions, ask him...

Port Washington, Wisc Sun 8-16-09

There was a Maritime Festival in Port Washington, Wisconsin this weekend. Suzia, Koy, Ela, Julia, Stevie, Stefan and myself we all drove to go and enjoy the festival and the sights of the Tall Ships. The weather, we just lucked out, it drizzled on the way there and it rained on the way back home. While we wer there it was just foggy and cloudy and a little cooler than we expected it to be that day. All in all we had a great time. We got to "board" the Madeline ship. We got to take a closer look at all the ropes and sails and wheels and etc. Koy wore his protective gear in the van, I guess my driving has him concerned. No, that is not right, it is just for his protection that he wears that neck brace for a few more weeks after surgery. We packed a lunch for us all and enjoyed it on the deck while overlooking the tall ships.

Hey, that Pirate is going to cut my ears off.....
That's one heck of a big ship.
I AM the Captain.

Hey do you see that? WOW.

As the Captain, what I say , goes..... so go there???

Koy at the helm of the Madeline

Stevie learning map reading
Koy relaxing, while we do the searching for the hidden geo-caching.
Suzia playing the "air xylophone" with her shoes.

Ela enjoying a birds eye view.


Now what did the co ordinates say 30 feet south or was that 40 feet???

Dziadzia with his eagle eyes found this container and Suzia opened it up.

Climbing back up , from the find.
What a beautiful view from up hear at the Upper Lake Park.

Taking in the sights.

At the playground.

Ela & Julia making music together.

Okay , you big boys, play nice and share.

Suzia and Koy do some Geocaching whenever they get a chance. Well we went on some hunts while we were up in Wisconsin. This was Stefans' and mine first search. Well Stefan found it, and we signed our names inside on the booklet provided. Maybe, I think we are hooked on this game now. We also stopped at this huge playground in the Upper Lake Park, around Port Washington. As you can see the "kids" had fun.
We stopped at Pizza Hut on the way home and that was our full day today.