Friday, June 26, 2009

Crazy hectic week , but lovin" it ...

OOOPS Pictures are out of sequence, but you get the "picture of my week".

Water balloon filling station

Pool is getting muddier and muddie with each jump

Put more mud on your legs, Maddie.

1,2,3 jump in .

Get ready, set, jump.

Leukemia program on Tuesday evening.

At the splashpad with Maddie, Stevie & Lily.

Splashpad. Those big sunvisors work to stop the water also.

Come on Lily, try this water splash.

Leukemia night, with Joe and Jessica.

Leukemia Night at Enchanted Castle with Debbie and Ashley. One of those spooky, shakey rides at Enchanted Castle.

Keeping the sun off Lily's back.

The week started out quietly on Monday for a day only. I dropped off Irena's birthday gift at her house.

But on Tuesday I watched Maddie, Stevie & Lily for the day. During the day we visited the splashpad, then in the evening I went to the Leukemia Fundraiser which was being held at The Enchanted Castle again this year, with the grandkids. My friend and her family came along also. (Kids love that place). We had a good time and also listened to the Super hero of the evening. A little girl about 7 years old that was fighting Leukemia and is winning, she is in remission.

By Wednesday it was getting HOT & HUMID. So we were at Suzia's house for the day. Karen brought along her blow-up pool and we all got WET. We tried filling those tiny balloons with water for a water fight. Besides getting wet the kids also got muddy. The pool happened to be next to the swing and they would swing and jump into the pool. Water wold splash out and make mud. We also got the use Suzia's neighbor pool and slides. Stefan came for dinner after work.

To be continued next day with pictures.


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