Thursday, April 30, 2009

Barnyard MOOSICAL 4-29-09

Stevie performed in this MOOSICAL. It was hilarious and the kids memorized all their lines . Amazing what Kindegardners and First graders can accomplish. After the performance we ALL went out for Ice Cream. It was 31 cent a scoop night at Bresslers 31 Flavors.

The kids had made hats and those were used as props during the performance. Some were ducks, some were cows, even a pizza was included in the show.
Getting a seat in the first row was almost impossible to "buy". Okay you do not have to buy tickets to get to see kids performances, but it would help their budget if they did charge.

Having fun, depsite the weather Wed 4-29-09

Maddie, Stevie & Lily got to play in the park after we visited "GO BANANAS" (an indoor amusement place for kids). The weather was cool and it had just quit raining this morning.

I can STAND on this rolling thing, Babcia.
I will dig a big, big whole to the bottom of the sand.

I am feeling dizzy from turning on this whirly thing.

Babcia, watch I will climb up to the top of this wall.

Lily, you follow my way, I can do it better.

Where is the Captain of this ship?

Happy 30th Birthday Paul K.

Paul K. is celebrating his 30th Birthday already on Thursday April 30, 2009. STO LAT to you, Happy Birthday also.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Can you line up your Dominoes like this 4-228, 2009???

All of the dominoes are standing up.

Sometimes Lily likes to be the puppy around the house.

Will you Marry me?

This is actually my stage outfit.

Maddie loves acting out "singing" on the stage.

Monday, April 27, 2009

My toe had surgery....

I had minor surgery today on my toe , next to the big toe. Some thing that needs no explanation... it will only gross you out. It is still under novocaine, I guess by this evening I will really be feeling the pain of it all. So got to stay off my foot for the next 2 days (maybe not). I heal fast.

Hope you had a good Monday. Will keep you posted to my whereabouts with this toe.


Stef & Karen are celebrating their 6th Anniversary today. Sto Lat to you both. Your trip to Vegas will be a little later this year. Have fun and celebrate it, don't worry about the kids, they will be fine.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Science Project-Julia's 4-23-09

Julia had a Science Project, it was titled What Glows Under a Black Light? She did a good job researching the items.
Can you name some of the items that YOU think would GLOW?
Julia next to her display.
Showing mama the items that glow.
Daddy look, this $10.00 paper bill glows.
Maddie was amazed at the effect DRY ICE has on a flower in seconds. It withered and dried up.

Hey magnets are cool, said Maddie. Stevie is more interested what these connections do when they are touched????

Aha, now I see, it makes this little light bulb , light up, when these wires are connected.
Look, this glows in there also.
Everybody had something to see of interest tonight.

After having dinner at Suzia's house ( all 11 of us, Karen was working) we had a wonderful evening at this Science Fair at Julia's school.

Happy 2nd Birthday Christian

Christian Anthony K. is celebating his 2nd Birthday today on April 2 5 - 09. STO LAT.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lunch with......on 4-22-09

I had lunch with these 3 handsome guys.
Ciocia Shelley, just loves her Ashley.
Grandma, gets to give a big hug to her big girl also.

Yes siree, Andy can finish THAT dessert in 2 gulps.

Besides that he loves Vanilla pudding.

HAPPY EARTH DAY to all 4-22-09

Let us celebrate this beautiful EARTH that we have, and keep it that way for our kids and their kids and their kids.........

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Adas in Detroit 4-18-09


STO LAT to my Godchild, Adam J. from the Irock Bar in Detroit.

Happy 45th to you.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy 9th Birthday Justin

Sto Lat to you on your 9th Birthday. Justin is celebrating on April 17, 2009 in Algonquin.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Peter's Birthday Party 4-13-09

What a party for me???? WOW WOW..
Can you get me in this shot?

Basia, Pete and Pierre.

Three generations of men from the Radlowski family.

Basia , Thank you for a lovely dinner that you made for this celebration for you husband. The cakes were out of this world also.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Happy Birthday to our neighbor Peter R. on Monday 4-13-09 He is celebrating his 29th uh ha.(?) Sure we know you are. I am glad that we are celebrating today,this will make the weather cheerier than it really is out there.
P.S. Don't look outside at the weather , is yucky.


Dziadzia capturing the moments.
A moment for daddy and Maddie.

All six of our Grandkids and their LOOT.

Look what we found. Little Stevie M. had to use two baskets for all his finds.

I think I can see one inside here.

Koy is taking a peek inside the woodbarrel,...Nope none in there.

Where else can I look?

I've found all these already.

Karen is letting out Stevie and Lily first.

Lily found her first egg.
Hey Lily, I think there are some here.

Hey Ela, you missed this one in the tree right here.

I see one over there, it is mine.

Under the bushes, I got this one.

I think I see one hiding over there.

Babcia capturing another view of this day.

I have a half full basket already.

Let's see what I got in this egg.

Now we have to see what is inside each one.

This one had money inside also.

Wujek Koy, can you help me open these eggs.???

Iv'e gotten a few of candy eggs and a lot of pennies so far.

Did you count how many eggs you found Maddie? I found.....

Having fun, finding all the eggs that were hidden by the Easter Bunny. Hey!... how many are there to be found????? Babcia said it was 250. Is that right???? Okay,... let's get going and find them all.

Well the winner in egg finding was little Stevie M. He found the most .