Monday, March 02, 2009

Friday Placki Day

We had a nice enjoyable evening with potato pancakes for dinner. Of course we also had rosul (chicken soup) and shrimp, Orange Roughy fish, and of course the birthday cake. Our guests at the table included, us 12 and then Anna and some of her family came also. Andy, Belia, Alex, Lauren, Mikey, Michelley and Mollie. We had a quick Birthday party for Mikey also. Since this year we will not have a 29th of February we celebrated on the 27th. It was nice to get to see them, since it has been a long time since we saw them all together. The kids are growing nicely and they really enjoy being all together with their cousins. Waiting for the summer to do some outdoor things also together.

Stefan loves to ride his Harley and wears his helmet even at home. (ha ha )

Oh oh, only a few more inches and I would get that shot.
Pick any age and we got them here.

You said what Koy?

Are we having fun yet? Oh oh, Lauren did not raise her hands??? why???

Okay, who is the most fearsome guy here???
Can we try using chopsticks on this meal?


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