Monday, January 05, 2009

We are BACK Jan 4, 2009

We returned around 5:30 pm on Saturday. We had left Florida after dinner at 7pm. The temperature that day was 82 degrees, then we get home Saturday evening and it is 36 degrees here. COLD COLD. I guess that is why people live in Florida and other places like that with those kind of temperatures. BUT, we choose to live here. I think it is nice to see changes in the seasons. I just cold not get used to seeing Christmas decorations on plam trees, and lights on bushes and NO SNOW. But mainly because family and freinds live here also.

Downloading pictures from the past few days and sorting them out. I will try to post them tomorrow.

I did manage to get the outside lights off today before the weather changes to snow again this week.
HOW were your holidays? Want to share?


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