Sunday, November 16, 2008

Working on Stef's window Saturday Nov 15, 2008

On Saturday, Stef & Koy got together to help replace the old sliding doors that he had in the house. One of them was so bad that you could not see thru it. The other door was not working properly either. They started to work at 7AM. Karen and Maddie, Stevie & Lily had gone to visit her sister Julie and family in the St. Louis area for a couple of days. Also was a good idea since it would be cold in the house with such a big hole in the walls in their family room. Around noon Stefan and myself came to help out with stuff. I made lunch for them and us 2. Made dinner and was a gopher if they needed anything from the store, Home Depot. Suzia and the kids came over to have dinner with us and they brought a hot-chili for us to share. During this opening of the windows/doors, Stef's cat decided to take a peek and walk out the doorway to go out. Stef caught the cat, but the cat decided it did not like being caught and bit Stef on his right thumb. Needless to say, the rest of the day he was in pain also. By the evening his thumb was really sore. On Sunday morning Karen insisted that he get it checked out, which was good, since the doctor gave him a Tetanus shot combined with a Whooping cough shot. He also put him on antibiotics, Augmentin 875 mlg. I guess that should hold him for a few hours. I hope that it takes effect for him, because his thumb is so sore that he had trouble doing anymore of the work that needed to be done to finish the job of installing the window and door.


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