Monday, September 29, 2008

Hey LEGAL LADY 9-29-08

Our "little" Mikki turns "21" this year.
Sto Lat to you.
Celebrate you day and have safe fun today. Love you, see you soon.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday morning 9-28-08

Sunday morning we started out with a bath for all. The paint had dried up on their skin and I don't think it wore off in the bed. Breakfast was ready by 8am and then Koy picked up his kids and Stef came and got his kids. Stefan was so happy in the morning that all grandkids came and gave him a morning wake-up call at 6:30AM with hugs and kisses . He wondered why it could not be like this every morning? What a great way to start the day.

Fun Weekend 9-27-28-08

Suzia drove to Wisconsin to visit her friend Renee. Koy was helping his friend Phil, Stef was painting his Halloween decorations and Karen spent the day with me and 6 grandkids. It was also World Wide Play Day, we went to the Park District for fun. Ela on the Big Slide

Julia in the pool ball at the bottom of the slide.
Stevie getting in line to go again on this slide.
Stefan checking out his bike before his trip with friend Andy B.
Stevie K. in line after the grape spitting contest.
Some guy that we met doing his barrel rolling time.
Craft time, before they got really messy.
The other side of the craft table.

Karen and Lily pose in front of the pumpkins.
Hey horsey, look at us.
Ela with her choice of a pumpkin.
Stevie & Maddie still looking around for the BEST ONE.

Hey what are these things to climb on , on this farm??
A group picture on the horse buggy.
Lily reaching for the rope to sound the bell.
Maddie spearing her marshmellow for the s'mores.
You have to cook the s'more just enough for it to melt and then mmmmmmmm.
Ela has her s'more all cooked and ready to eat, Ciocia Karen is helping her take it off the stick.

We went to the Lynfred Winery in Roselle for Oktoberfest. They had barrel rolling contests as well as grape spitting Stevie K. did not make it to the semi-finals. ( guess he does not spit far enough) and grape stomping. Also coloring (everything and their clothes) and making decorations with corks. Great food also. Roasted corn and typical German foods, and of course the wines.

After all this activity, Karen in her van and I in mine drove to Glenview for a big Bonfire at the Wagner Farms. There we made smores in the campfire, and we got to visit the animals on the farm. There were things to pull like the big bell by the farmhouse, swing on the very long swing on the tree, pick out a pumpkin see things in the barns like the horses and cows and goats and kittens.

We got home by 8pm and everybody was tired out and ready to go to sleep.

Happy 33rd year together Basia& Maciek

Sto Lat on your Anniversary to you today, 9-28-08.
How was camping out in the Rockies? How is your little grandaughter Maddie?

Friday, September 26, 2008

Did you READ post from 9-21-08

I had my driving lessons in this parking lot? My friend had a yellow Dodge Dart. Does this ring a bell, where this park could be? Still no answers. Are you sleeping? You could email me with the answers if you like. Got a response from Richie, he guessed it right.

Sto Lat , Dennis McG in Wisconsin. 9-26-08

A very Happy Birthday to you. Is Regina making you a party this year? Sorry that we missed you when we were in Kenosha this summer.

9-26-08 Krys M. STO LAT

A very Happy Birthday to you Krys. It seems like we were in Arizona just this past month , but I know it was 2 years ago already. Got to find time to visit you again soon, maybe in Spring next year.


Eva B. Arizona, Happy Birthday 9-26-08

Happy Birthday to you. How is Joe doing at work this year? Nice seeing you at Mikey's wedding in May.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

STO LAT Pani Stella 9-25-08

Last year we celebrated your 80th and we are happy to be celebrating you 81st this year. Happy Birthday to you. I am sure you are very happy also to have your great grandchildren there with you to mark this occasion.

STO LAT Pani Stru..............

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

4 years already 9-24-08

Stef & Karen have lived in their townhouse now for that long, 4 years already. My how time flies. And to think of all the improvements they have made on their house since then also. How the family has expanded from one child Maddie to 3 children, adding Stevie & Lily.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dinner with our Special Guests, Janette & Payton 9-20-08

We enjoyed having Janette & Payton over as our special guest at our house. These cousins and second cousins had some great fun bonding together.
Playing a game of bowling on the driveway.
Lily arranging all the lawn chairs. Ela trying out the bouncer.(?)

Stevie climbing on the gymset .
Payton talking to her daddy in Florida. Telling how much fun she was having here at Ciocia Daniella's house.
Sharing a moment with the family.
Building blocks make for great fun .
Hey look at me, NO HANDS.
Dziadzias (Payton calls him that) giving Payton a big hug and smooch.
Lily giving Ciocia Diane a bite of her Oreo cookie.
Can you see my marshmellow teeth?
Maybe a quick moment sitting down by mama and Wujek Bruno (?) maybe I will just go now.

Suzia & Janette. Julia celebrating her 4th tooth loss so far. Her front tooth. Though it did not come out on it's own. (Her brother threw a AA battery at her and out came the tooth, it was loose though. No harm done, but some words were exchanged with him for doing this.
PraBabcia Hela, with her grandaughter Janette and her greatgranddaughter Payton.
Ciocia Suzia before she took a bite of the strawberry that tasted soooo goooood from Payton.
Oh man, Payton is way to fast, I cannot get a bite from her strawberry.
Ela and Kendra (our neighbor) listening to music on the driveway on a sleeping bag.
Hey I got those same marshmellow teeth also.

Big kids playing 9-20-08

We had a great time visiting with our niece Janette and her daughter Payton. Everybody helped out with the dinner, bringing foodstuff to eat. The turkey just FELL apart when I took it off of the grill. Stefan had put together"the table" for us all (18) to sit at for dinner. Dinner was done in no time so we could get to playing around. The big kids had so much fun.

Suzia parked her van on the driveway? I think she missed the road as Stefan looks on. Did I teach her how to drive or who did? Only kidding she made room for the kids to play on the driveway.
Suzia showing what she could "do" with her glowstick.
What,... I could have fun too, ha ha .
Hey Ma, look at me, I have 2 red glowsticks, take a picture of me, now.
See what they look like when you shut the flash off.

But, Wujek Stefan I want to hold the kitty, please it is my turn NOW.
Bogdan playing in the sandbox, and not giving Maddie any room to play in it.
Janette trying out the swing.

Karen does her best on riding the tricycle. Diane helping Payton on the swing, as she gets to sit on it also, not to look too conspicious, while she is having fun.

OOPS these are NOT the kids I wanted to show you, but these BIG KIDS enjoyed themselves also . See next note for the real kids having fun.