Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Packing has Started 7-30-08

Stefan has not finished packing, but he has started it for his trip to Colorado this coming weekend. All his stuff has to fit in the saddle bags n the Motorcycle. They are not taking any extra luggage of any sort.
He will be leaving early on Saturday morning, like around 5AM. They (6 of them at last count)plan to hit the road THAT early to get some good miles in under their belt before the sun really heats up on them and their Motorcycles. Will keep you posted as to where he will be, if and when I find out that information.
I have finished my duty of polishing up the Motorcycle for him. (Okay not my duty, but I wanted to do it for him). His windshield is bug free and the chrome is spit shinning like a mirror now. He has tanked up his gas tank and his wallet with $$$, he is READY to go HOUSTON. Well you never know they might go to Houston, but the plan is for them to end up in California. Or wait was that Colorado, who knows.............


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