Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Dinner with Mama and Popsie

This weekend's weather was typical Chicago winter/spring weather - rainy, yucky, sunny, foggy, cloudy, windy and snow flurries - often all at the same time.

Nothing special - just a day spent with Mama, who came to church with us this morning and got to watch Ela, Julia and Stevie at our church's egg hunt on the lawn.

After a quick lunch and a little clean-up at the house, Babcia took the kids (plus a friend) to the nearby park where they played out in the sun (and cold wind) for an hour.

Popsie came to the house (after work, of course), and the six of us had dinner together. Koy was up in McHenry, helping a friend for the day.

An ordinary day spent in a ordinary way... with some very extraordinary people... my parents.

I love you guys. Just thought I'd let you know, in case I don't say it enough.
Thanks for coming over for dinner.

Hope everyone takes the opportunity this week for some quiet reflection... and enjoy this bit of slow time before Easter.

Let's hope spring is just around the corner - I'm about ready to put all our winter clothes into storage for another year.

Hugs - Suzia


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