Saturday, December 08, 2007

Celebrating Julia's Birthday Dec 7, 2007

Julia's 8th Birthday celebration on Friday evening was a lot of fun. We had Tacos, Quesadillas, Rosul, fresh buns and of course we had CAKE. Julia blew out the candles and then went head first into the cake. She not only ate her cake she wore it too.
Wujek Steve came with Maddie, Stevie & Lily, Karen came after work. Babcia Hela was also there as was Ciocia Kasia (Julia's Godmother) and her boyfriend Steve. Dziadzia & Babcia were present as usual on the REAL birthDAY. Julia opened all her cards and gifts and was happy as a clam to have received them all , and the Birthday phonecalls.

Opening cards, this one is from Ciocia Diane & Wujek Bruno.
Dziadzia helping Ela read Julia's card, which Babcia wrote in Polish.
Steve, Karen, Maddie, Stevie & Lily.

Dziadzia with his youngest grandchild, Lily. She just turned ONE on Tuesday.
Julia blowing out her candles.
Julia getting a real close look at her cake.
What the end result of looking toooooo close will do to your face.
Julia and her Godmother, Kasia.

PEE YUUU Look behind us, Wujek is changing Lily's diaper.
Pra-Babcia Hela and 6 of her 9 great-grandchildren.

Julia opening some of her gifts.
My favorite # 2 wnucia, JULIA, STO LAT to you.

Mama, Julia and Daddy on Julia's 8th Birthday.


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