Monday, January 25, 2010

How you coping with the COLD???

Or is it not cold where you are today? Let me know what you are doing to stay warm......

Sunday, January 24, 2010

January 24, 2006, Start of NEW LIFE

As of January 24, 2006, Stefan is considered as having started his life all over with his transplant. It has been 4 years since then and he is doing GREAT. His check-ups are fine, his biopsies continue to be good. No sign of any BAD cells in his body. Thank God for that.
We thank you all for your continued prayers for this good news to have happened to Stefan.

We are so grateful for all those new advances in Science that had made this possible, for Stefan to have had his own stem cells introduced back to himself.
So as we start a "New Life" on this anniversary, we start the day with a little prayer. Thank you God.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Krystyna Anna's Marathon in Arizona

Krystyna Anna at 1/2 Mrthn

Finish time 1:54:49. Krystyna Anna had her personal best finish at this her seventh running of the PF Chang Rock & Roll 1/2 Marathon on 1/17/2010 in Arizona.

Congratulations on the good time.
I know it would take me three times, that time to finish, if I did finish at all. We love you Krystyna.

Hey you want to see me,Daniella, a long time ago?

One day, long, long ago, there lived a woman who did not whine, nag or bitch.
(That would be me.....)

But that was a long time ago, and it was just that one day.

Enjoy your day and have a good laugh.

Julia's First CONCERT Jan 20, 2010

Julia plays in the percussion section. This night she was on the Xylophone (?)Standing on the far left in this first picture.
It was great to get to see how the kids have begun their lessons on their instruments. It will be much nicer to hear them in a few months and see the progression of their progress.
The evening started with dinner at Suzia and Koy's home and then off to the concert.
The whole family of us 12 (Babcia, Dziadzia, Mommy Suzia, Daddy Koy, sister Ela, brother Stevie, Wujek Stef, Ciocia Karen, cousins Maddie, Stevie and Lily) came out to hear Julia play. Maddie, Stevie and Lily enjoyed sitting on the first row to see and hear Julia. Ela could not picture her first concert THIS way. But we assured Ela that HER first concert sounded the SAME way.

The evening after the concert there was an ice storm, and the drive home was very tricky to say the least. But we all got home safe and sound.

Kahla, STO LAT

Happy Birthday to Kahla K. on Jan 23, 2010. STO LAT to you. How is the family doing?

Monday, January 18, 2010

1997 Jan 18. My brother Adam

My brother has been gone since 1997, but it does not seem that long ago. Rest in peace Adam.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

BIG RACE TODAY, Special News Report

Stevie's car waits in the "official" line up box for the next round of races to start.

Stevie and Daddy apply graphite to the wheel axles to give the car a little more ZOOM!

Stevie and Daddy show off the third place and 1st place trophies.

Stevie's car is just about to cross the finish line for the 1st place finish!

Stevie K. (My Kolega) had entered his car for the Boy Cub Scouts Great Derby Race. There were about 20 entrants. Stevie worked on his car with his daddy (Koy) for a lot of hours. They cut out the car from the block of wood, then they sanded and painted and added wheels. They had a trial run and it looked good. On Race Day Saturday Jan 16, 2010 Stevie couldn't wait to run his car. Guess what place he took? FIRST PLACE! His car got 1st place in his category. Then he raced his car against all the other cars of the scouts and he got third place in that. Not bad for his first try at this Derby Racing.*****

Stevie’s car is black with flames on the front end.
Stevie took 1st place among all the Tiger scouts in his Den (all first year derby entrants).
He took 3rd place overall in the whole pack, where he raced against scouts who’ve been racing cars in derby races for up to four years (plus any additional experience from dads and older brothers).

FYI, it’s uncommon (but not unheard of) for a Tiger scout to place (1st, 2nd or 3rd) of the whole pack, so for Stevie to win 3rd place overall is a BIG thing!

Congratulations to you Stevie, on a terrific race and a great car. It paid off all that hard work you put into making this car. Keep up the great work.

Stef & Karen Pool Tournament

Stef and Karen were in a Pool Tournament on Sat 1-16-2010. Stef did not play in this tournament, but Karen did, handicap scores were counted and he was not needed.
They played with their teammates and they lost. It was a bittersweet day for Karen & Stef all around. Then they went to practice pool at their usual place on Lee & Algonquin. Karen was still fighting the flu bug that kept her at home on Thursday and Friday.
Better luck next year to Stef and Karen.

P.S. We enjoyed having the kids over all day and having fun. We played all kinds of games and we made lunch, then dinner. We made Brownies, made crafts, played pool, took naps and had a whole day of fun together.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sonia, Happy Birthday to you, 1-15-2010

Happy Birthday to you in Arizona, and also Sto Lat to you is being wished by us all.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Chewy is with us 15 years now 1-15-2010

Our cat, Chewy, she was about 3 months old already when Stef named her Chewbacca for a boy, but she turned out to be a girl cat, so Chewy was OK also. Stef drove in Stefans' old huge Town Car to Chicago to go get her from some people that advertised on the Polish radio station that Babcia Zosia heard.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Mary 1-14-2010

Sto Lat to you Mary F. on January 14,2010. Have a wonderful Birthday today.

Jane, Pani Nina Sto Lat 1-14-2010

Have a great Birthday today Jane J. Are you in the state or in Wisconsin. STO LAT to you on January 14, 2010.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy Anniversary to JoAnn & Casey

Sto Lat to you Happy Anniversary to you both JoAnn & Casey K.

Happy Birthday Eva K. C. 1-13-2010

Have a wonderful Birthday today. Sto Lat to you. How is the family?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jan 12, 1991, Dziadzia Stachu

That was the day that Stefan's father passed away. I can not believe it has been that many years already. Peace to you Dziadzia Stachu.

Monday, January 11, 2010

January 11, 2010 Sto Lat Wesiu W.

Happy Birthday to you Wiesiu in Schaumburg, STO LAT also.

Witek , Sto Lat to you 1-11-2010

Happy Birthday to you January 11, 2010, and also Sto Lat to you.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Florida was nice and warm for us 2010

Stefan and I took a quick mini vacation to see my sister Basia and her husband Teddy in Key Biscayne Florida. The weather was great the week that we were there. We left on Christmas day in the evening around 10pm. We drove straight thru with a stop in Orlando area to see Janette,Paul and Payton.Basia and me
The Billy Baggs Lighthouse.
Going up and down the 100 steps
At the Oceanside. In the outside swimming pool on New Years Eve.

Taking a look at the reception area for tonight.
In the Cabana area by the ocean.
A"crocodile" in the sand.
Gathering seashells to take home for the grandkids.
Catching us on New Years Eve at the stroke of midnight.

Basia, Come here now, and give me a kiss
Making those midnight calls to back home.
On the oceanfront.
Relaxing in the evening, after a walk on the beach.
The same tree we took a picture in front of last year.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Cindy H. Happy Birthday to you 1-8-2010

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday today . Sto Lat on January 8, 2010.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Isabel L. Happy 8th Birthday 1-7-2010

Happy Birthday to you and Sto Lat to our adopted(?) granddaughter in Wisconsin.,

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Congratulations to Krystyna Anna Dec 15, 2009

Our Krystyna Anna graduated from College in Arizona with degrees in Kenisiology. (?) I think I got that right. Anyways Congrats to you on reaching this milestone in your life. Hugs and Kisses to your from us.

Happy Birthday Gianna 1-6-2010

Happy 16th Birthday to you in Colorado. Sto Lat.

Happy 22nd Birthday to Kasia P. in Des Plaines

Sto Lat to you and have a wonderful Birthday today, Kasia P. on January 6, 2010.

Friday, January 01, 2010

We are still ALIVE

We have been busy. As you can tell. No pictures have been posted, no updates since............

But to tell you as of today January 1, 2010 we are in Florida. We are enjoying the warmth of Key Biscayne. We left on Christmas Day late in the day. We will be leaving to go back home Jan 2 or 3rd. Will post some pictures, maybe some as far back as October. Till then Have a Happy New Year.

Sto Lat to our Basia, our neighbor

Sto Lat and a very Happy Birthday to you today. 1-1-2010. Thanks again so very much for taking care of our house and our Chewy. See you soon.