Thursday, July 31, 2008

Aurora Waterpark July 16, 2008

Karen and Steve (He took the day off work) and Maddie, Stevie and Lily and myself of course we all went to the Aurora Waterpark called Country Splash.

We had a terrific time, and the weather was very hot that day, perfect for a day in the waterpark.

This place has a very nice zero depth pool for the kids to enjoy. Also a very long lazy river that was so enjoyable by Lily that she even took her afternoon nap while on the river.

There are water slides and an adult lap swimming pool area. A huge sand box for all to get buried in also. We even had our pool loungers IN the waters edge. We had the usual hot dog -stand kind of lunch there and of course you can't forget to have popsicles on such a hot day, now can you?
Are you hot Daddy?
A daughter -daddy moment
Just look at that mischevious smile on Maddie's face.
Boy, is this good and cold.
Getting dunked from the bucket.

A family picture by the pool-side.
One of many water tubes and pipes for the water to get from here to there.
The Lazy River ride, but daddy gets to push Maddie.
Three is a crowd, but in this case it was just comfy to be next to Mommy.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Blueberry Picking ???

Who went, and when??? Did you go already? This year my neighbor Basia went last weekend and brought me some wonderfuly sweet and large blueberries. Got to make some Blueberry pierogi... any helpers out there that want to help make some????? Got to be here before Sat. to make them. Call me and we will set up a day to make them. Doesn't that sound delicious, Blueberry Pierogi and sourcream with sugar on top?????

Sunday and we leave Aug 3, 2008

Suzia and her 3 children and myself will be leaving for a few days vacation to either Springfield or we might decide to go to Indiana. Not definite yet about that. We planned to go see Springfield (The new Musum opend there )or Amish Acres in Indiana. We leave early Sunday morning around 7AM. Koy will be staying home and watching the homefront(?) That makes him the only one from our family of 12 to be at home. Oh well such is life, maybe next year all 12 of us will be gone on vacation together.

Disneyland is waiting for them.....

On Saturday evening , Stefciu Karen and family will be flying to Florida for a week. Karen's parents have a timeshare there and they will be staying with them for the week.
Fun is in order for the week for all to be had. Good health and patience is wished for them also.
They will be joined by Karen's sisters Julie & Susan, possibly and their families.
Will post pictures upon their return from Florida.

The Packing has Started 7-30-08

Stefan has not finished packing, but he has started it for his trip to Colorado this coming weekend. All his stuff has to fit in the saddle bags n the Motorcycle. They are not taking any extra luggage of any sort.
He will be leaving early on Saturday morning, like around 5AM. They (6 of them at last count)plan to hit the road THAT early to get some good miles in under their belt before the sun really heats up on them and their Motorcycles. Will keep you posted as to where he will be, if and when I find out that information.
I have finished my duty of polishing up the Motorcycle for him. (Okay not my duty, but I wanted to do it for him). His windshield is bug free and the chrome is spit shinning like a mirror now. He has tanked up his gas tank and his wallet with $$$, he is READY to go HOUSTON. Well you never know they might go to Houston, but the plan is for them to end up in California. Or wait was that Colorado, who knows.............

Botanic Gardens 2008

On Monday in the late afternoon, Suzia came over with her kids and we left to go to the Botanic Gardens in Glencoe.

We got there in time, this time to be able to go up to the Carilon Tower and "see" the person working the bells. Stevie of course had mentioned to the man upstairs that it would be his moms (Suzia's) birthday next week. Yes he played Happy Birthday on the Carilon Bells for all to hear. If you get to the Garden before 6PM, they do TOURS of the bells towers from 5:30 to 6:30PM.
We got home after visiting the Gardens by 9:30PM.

Early Sunday July 27, 2008

Very early like around 2am. Suzia and family returned from Upper Michigan from their cottage.

They were very tired and they did not pick up their car from the parking lot at CDW. So on Sunday afternoon after church services, Stefan and myself stopped over at their house.
This was after we had stopped at the Harley-Davidson Store in Lombard to pick up a few more things for his trip.

After Koy made lunch for us all, Suzia and myself drove to pick up the car.

STO LAT Wiktorek w Polsce 7-30-08

Happy 1st Birthday to you. Dzisiaj na twoje pierwsze urodinny , zyczymy ci wszystkiego najlepszego w twoim zycia. Dzisiaj i na STO LAT.

Monday, July 28, 2008

STO LAT Pani Susan L. 2008 7-28-08

Happy Birthday to you Susan L. in Wisconsin. How are the Polish Language classes going? Wszystkiego najlepszego dzisiaj w dniu twoich urodzin. STO LAT.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Mr. Tony G. 7-26-08

A very Happy Birthday to you. I tried calling and got no answer. So Happy Birthday to you today. STO LAT.

Happy Birthday Nicholas V. 7-26-08

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and also to your Babcia Kris S.
Sto Lat to both of you.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy Birthday ANDY 7-22-2008

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday.

STO LAT from us all, S D S K E J S K S M S L. Got that ??

Monday, July 21, 2008

Bo is running in the Mackinac Race

Bo (Stefan's brother) and some friends are in the Chicago Yacht Club Race to Mackinac. He left Saturday morning. They should be finished with the race by Tuesday morning the latest. As of today, Monday he has 50 nautical miles to go to finish. To see the results and more info go to site CLICK HERE. He is on the boat called GANGBUSTERS.

Suzia Koy and kids are backk up in U.P. Michigan

Yes Suzia and family are again in upper Michigan's Pennisula. They are finishing their house (cottage). They are there also to celebrate Koy's moms 25th Anniversary . The whole family and ALL the kids and their families will be there also. What a great gathering of family Joy and Tom will have this week. Suzia will be returning on Saturday evening with the family.

A very Happy 1st Anniversary

July 21, 2008 is a milestone for Anthony & Amy in New York. Happy FIRST Anniversary to you two. Sto Lat. Many Many more in other words a hundred years of happiness is wished for you both.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

STO LAT Suzia & Koy

Happy 13th Anniversary to you two on July 15, 2008.
Wishing you many many more years together. STO LAT. Enjoy your lives together with your family.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Florida Vacation, too short

In the kitchen of the guest house that we stayed at with my sister Barbara and her husband Teddy

Leaving for the airport soon.
At the Miami airport, wall decorations. Neat huh?
Close-up of the wall decorations at the airport.

Our Welcome Home sign put up by the kids and grandkids.
Our view in the evening from one of three decks.
View from the one of guest bedrooms that we spent the night in.
One of the pools that we swam in, facing the ocean.
The Ocean Cabana and the Condo behind it.
The house with 3 decks and my sister in front of it by one of the pools.
The street lined with palm trees, leading to the house that we stayed in.
A course in sailboating on the Ocean that was visible from the living room.
Cafe Nikki on Key Biscayne island that we had lunch at.
The whole cafe is in the sand with couches and seats all over the area., and billowing curtains.
The view of Florida before we landed and drove to Key Biscayne.
One of the tourist attraction signs that we passed on the way to Key Biscayne.
Why is Stefan frowning, because this is not his house.
View of the three decks from the ocean side of the house.
On the loading dock near the house, in front of the helicopter landing pad.

Inside and Outside the Cottage

Temperatures ranged from 50's at night to 80's in the daytime. Sitting around the campfire in the evening was very relaxing and warm also kept away the mosquitoes.

Suzia & Ela.
Koy & Stevie.

View of the house from the Lakeside.

Helping prepare one of the meals that we had at the Cottage.

This is one of their house decorations received as a gift, a wooden carved Fish.

With 3 of our Grandchildren on the Lake.

Koy relaxing in the Living Room, after a hard day, looking out to the Lake.

Some awesome cloud formations that we saw up there.

In the crawl space.

One of the tents that we put up in the house. The eaves were not sealed up yet, and there were a lot of mosquitoes that got in the house, a LOT.
Ela's Jet Ski, ok not a real one, but she got to RIDE one.

Julia on a floating island, but she did not float so good, needed more air in the edges.
Suzia & Koy 's sleeping quarters, not the real Master bedroom though. That will be upstairs on the second level of the house.
Suzia's modern kitchen, well it beats cooking on the fireplace outside doesn't it? The counter top is an old door on top of the cabinets that they got from a friend.
Helping adjust the garage door opener with help from Stevie.

The view of the Lake on their beachfront.