Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Ela has a ski trip planned from school and her grade level. They will be gone all day on Friday. I hope that the weather will be at least semi-warm for her to enjoy herself, and not this frigid temps that we have today on Wednesday. Will let you know her reaction to skiing.

Hiding in the TREE at the Library

Yes, seems like I really do like the Des Plaines Library a lot. Here I am back with Maddie, Stevie & Lily for the day of nursery story time. Also taking a peek at the big TREE and looking at the fishes in the tank.

Just enjoying the day with Babcia.

Making SnowAngels, by Julia

You need snow and a lot of warm clothes.
Fall back and wiggle your arms and legs in the snow.

Also catch some snowflakes on your tongue.

Can you guess who this is?

It is Madalynn, and she is now almost 8 weeks old. She belongs to.........Amy & Matt. She is the most beautifulest (?) grandaughter of Basia & Maciek. She really is so cute.

What plans do you have for VALENTINES??? 2008

Hey let us in on your plans for Valentines Day. Or are they a secret surprise for someone?

Feb 1, 1996 Bad Habit

That was the day that I quit smoking. Yes it has been 12 years since then. Why did I ever smoke? Peer pressure I guess. I don't know. Looked older if you smoked. Yeah !! NOW I find out that it does make you look a LOT older. Older skin, older lungs etc.
Something stupid to do. Now I am hoping that Steve & Karen have the courage to STOP SMOKING. As I also hope that my niece will stop. You know who you are, closet smokers.

Okay I am getting off my soapbox. (FOR NOW)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Life at the Koivun home

Here at the Koivun home, we're all keeping pretty busy. Ela has a class ski trip to Wilmot Mountain this Friday - her first. That should be lots of fun for her. Ela also continues in band, playing the clarinet, even though she says she's not too sure if she wants to continue playing in 6th grade.

Julia is doing excellent work in school - she is the only student in her class to score a perfect 100% on her weekly spelling test. Every Friday, since the beginning of school. She's gotten 100% on every test. We are so proud of her!

Stevie is currently learning about the planets and outer space in class and he is having a blast! (pun intended) He comes home daily with new knowledge to share with us.

Jon stays busy every day and every weekend. If he's not working at his friend Phil's house (putting up a new garage), then he's busy at home or, like this weekend, busy at work. When a new implementation (computer program) goes in, it has to be done during "off" hours. The last few implementations have been on Thursday evenings, but this time, he has to go in on a Saturday. Unfortunately, I've got classes this weekend.

I've usually got classes three nights a week - Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. However, I'm also taking a course that's taught as a weekend workshop. For two weekends, I have classes on Friday evening, then all day Saturday and Sunday (8am-4pm). This weekend just happens to be the second weekend workshop.

On the plus side, I begin my preclinicals this week. "Preclinicals" in the education track are the hours we have to log observing a class or teaching a class (as student teacher). There are 120 hours of each required for my degree. The 120 hours of student teaching is done in your last semester of the program. The other 120 hours of observation are split up into 3 40hour segments, each to be completed alongside the appropriate methods course. Last semester, I did my 40 observation hours at West Aurora High School, in Aurora. This semester, I'll be observing at Hubble Middle School in Wheaton. It's much closer (compared to Aurora) - it only takes me about 20 minutes to get there. I start this Thursday, and will continue observing on Thursdays for the next eight weeks. I do get to teach lessons, but I am there to observe the teacher and learn from her strategies and methods. When I teach my lesson, she has to remain in the room. I can't formally teach any lessons "alone" until I'm certified. Or certifiable, your choice.

Oddly enough, I can teach lessons with a Substitute Certificate. And that's just what I applied for last week. In the state of Illinois (as I'm sure in other states as well), if you have a Bachelor's Degree, you can apply to receive a Substitute Teaching Certificate. With absolutely no prior knowledge of teaching. Now, most people crazy enough to want to sub for teachers have some general knowledge of teaching. So while I go to school to get my Teaching Certificate, I am able to sub. Now, our school district is in dire need of subs, and I've been told it's the same story across many school districts. I would love the opportunity to get the experience (and pad my resume as well) by subbing. Except I have one small problem... his name is Stevie. Stevie's still in preschool, which means that until he "graduates" to kindergarten, he's only in school for the morning. So I think I'll hang on to my subbing certificate and put it to use in the fall, when all three kids are in school full-time, and take the bus there and back. Because that's my whole dilemma - what do I do with my kids in the morning when I have to leave for my teaching job before they get on the bus? I hope there are before school programs available, that drive/bus them to school. I guess that's something I have to look in to. Any teachers out there willing to share their solutions? Please let me know!
School is a lot of work, but things are going well for me. A lot of reading this semester... if you want to hear about it, drop me an email. It's probably a lot of boring details to post here.

Well, that's all probably more information you wanted to read about, but I haven't posted long-winded posts in forever, so I figured I was due for one soon. So there.

I have to admit, I do kind of miss blogging daily (or at least more than once a month), the way I did on Stefan's blog. Of course, for that, there were daily updates to write about. And it was something everyone wanted to read about. Now, I'd just be writing about everyday, ordinary, mundane things, and I'm not too sure - but I think the size of my audience would dwindle down to two (my mom and me). So I'll just post occasionally on Mama's blog - she seems to be doing quite well with it on her own. I know she especially loves the fact that she can share pictures here... and boy, does she ever share pictures!

Ok - I'm signing off now. Before I find another tangent I have to go off on!

That's Chicago winter weather for you!

So, how many of you have experienced a 50 degree temperature difference in one 24 hour period during Winter in Chicagoland? Well, after tonight, you can say you did.

This afternoon, it was over 50 degrees outside. Then the temperatures starting dropping around 3pm. The overnight low tonight had been predicted to reach a low of 2 below zero. The winter storm watch brought freezing temperatures - and roads. After,almost three days of temperatures well above freezing, all the snow and ice had melted. The moisture in the roads and ground will freeze, causing icy patches on the roads.

The biggest shiver-inducing part of this all is the wind. Wind gusts over 50mph are expected. The fast and frigid wind will make the air temperature feel like 20 to 30 below zero! How's that for frosty!

So, if you're out tonight, I hope you bundle up and keep warm! Frostbite is a sure thing for exposed skin if you're out too long without being bundled up in these temperatures.

My evening class tonight were cancelled at Benedictine, since commuter students come from quite a ways in many cases. (I have one classmate who comes from Oswego, another from Orland Park.) I doubt that the kids will have school called off tomorrow, barring any unforeseen incidents (like the water lines at school freezing or something). As it is, they all have a half day tomorrow, with the school day ending just shy of noon.

So, to all those who have to be outdoors tonight and in the cold morning... dress warm, bundle up, and drive safely.

Friday, January 25, 2008


I went to see this musical "play" with Ela and Julia on Friday evening at the Allstate Arena. It was a surprise for them, since they didn't know until they came home from school that I was taking them somewhere. They did not even know where we were going, right up until we got dropped off at the Arena!
We had a great time. They knew all the songs, of course. (I didn't even know a single one.) We got some souveniers, like a program and some drinking cups that light up from the bottom (bright annoying blinking lights that are on a switch).
It was good for us "girls" to go out together just to have some fun. It was something different than usual, and not something they had ever been to before (ice capades, or Disney on Ice). So from that point, it was new. Of course, the girls have seen the High School Musical movies (1 and 2) hundreds of times, so the HSM on Ice did not even compare. But of course they like the actors in the movies much better - because they are cuter! (That's what Ela said.) This was different and still a lot of fun.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

So how cold was it where you live today? 1/24/08

It reached a low of 6 BELOW .... O. But I was sleeping soundly under my pierzyna with my hubby. So I did not feel the cold, did you????

January 24, 1997 Heniek....

Yes, Heniek came to the States on that day. He is still living in the area. But now he has his wife to keep him company.

Jan. 24, 1994 who had a car accident??

Can you guess who? He lives in Schaumburg.

2 Years already for Stefan Jan. 24, 2008

Today marks 2 years that Stefan has received his stem cell transplant at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. It also happens to be Dr. Olga's birthday. (His Oncologist). So we called her and wished her a very Happy Birthday. She in turn wished Stefan many more years of continued good health.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A few more pictures of Janette and Payton

I know Mama already blogged about this visit, but I had a few pictures on my camera, so I thought I'd add them...

Here, Janette had her hair done by Julia, who also fashioned some new-fangled earrings for her. Maybe it's a trend that will catch on??? Nah... Ela and Maddie don't think so!

Payton and Lily took awhile to get used to having another "little person" to play with, but by the end of the evening, they were having lots of fun together!

Pictures from New Year's Eve

Okay, late... but better late than never.

I posted pictures from NYE, but I dated them on the 2nd, so they'd show up chronologically in the blog.

Here's the link...

Monday, January 21, 2008

Spending the weekend at Babcia & Dziadzia's Jan. 19,20, & 21

On Saturday while Steve and Karen went to a Birthday party for a friend , Maddie, Stevie & Lily spent the night with us. Dziadzia is relaxing with them in the evening on the Lazy-Boy by the fire. Lily was trying her hardest to get the "jar" of pretzels and snacks up the stairs for me to open.
She just has learned the ups and downs of stairs, but is not sure of herself yet on them.

At the Des Planies Library.

Julia making donut holes.

On Sunday morning after breakfast I dropped them off back home. Then went to Suzia's house and get Ela, Julia & Stevie to spend the day and night with them .

I picked them up after their church service. We went to see a production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Coat of many colors, at the Library in Des Plaines. Got to see the new Library in Des Plaines. What a beautiful building and it has lots of room and little nooks for reading.

On Sunday of course everyone watched THE Football game. You know who won, don't you.
At the Childrens Museum
Kasia and sister Basia , Leo is son of Kasia.


On Monday they had no classes in school due to Martin LK Day. So we went to the Kohl's Children Museum in Glenview.They got to paint their faces, look at water tubes, wind tunnels, play all sorts of instruments, climb here and slide down there, pull this and push that. Race the little cars around tracks, climb around mazes and tunnels. There was a section on Clifford the Red Dog that had opened today. There were rooms to make arts and crafts. You could spend a whole day here and the kids would not get bored of doing things.

We had such a great time, so much so that I got a yearly grandparents membership, included are all my grandkids. While we were there we met a friend of Suzia's from Grammar School in Chicago. It was Kasia and her son Leo and Kasia's sister Basia. They used to own the Lotus Bakery in Chicago while we lived around the corner from them. Afterwards we had a quick lunch at Taco Bell. That is what they wanted . By the time we got home, Koy was right behind us to pick them up to go home. Suzia had a meeting at their church and she is on the Church Council Board. Now I am waiting for MSL to come for the evening while Steve & Karen go to their Billiard practices on Monday evening. On Tuesday they have their games against other team leagues.
So ends my weekend with my grandkids.

OKAY Who wanted Green Bay Packers to WIN???

Did you watch the game on Sunday? Man it was cold there in Wisconsin. I know of a few people that went there in person to watch the game. Who were you rooting for? Wisconsin or New York?

Pierre's Parade rained OUT

I heard that the weather in Florida was raining on the day of Pierre's parade. So they did not march. So sorry for Pierre to have missed this experience. Maybe next year. At least he was warmer than most of the people here in the state of Illinois.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Pierre is marching in Florida

My neighbor's son, Pierre will be marching on Saturday (Jan 19, 2008) in the evening parade on Main Street in Disneyland. He is with the marching band (he plays trumpet)and he left today for Florida. (What a great idea, especially since our weather for the next few days will be FRIGID cold). See you when you get back on Monday.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Sonia in Arizona

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. Sto Lat, I hope the weather is warmer there than here in the Chicago area.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Our Special dinner guests, monday evening 1-14-08

We had special guests join us for dinner, Janette & Payton came in for a few days to visit family and get a taste of our type of weather. Wouldn't you know it, it got cold (DUH) it is winter in the Chicago area. Todays temperature will only reach in the upper 20's. Maybe a 30 or a little above it. Anyways, Janette and Payton came to have dinner with my whole family. It was an enjoyable experience, to have an evening to re-connect with family members. Payton has grown up so much since we last saw her in September.

The evening was spent doing a variety of things, eating, teaching the correct way to play pool, combing hairs, and trying to get a pose together.

Maddie and Lily had their hair "done" for the big party this evening by Babcia. Hamming it up for the camera, or is this the way they always look?? Goofy cousins.
Are these 2 Stefans' not seeing eye to eye?

Looking for "Chewy". Here kitty, kitty. Payton enjoyed chasing our cat "Chewy", under the table and up the stairs. Payton manuevered the stairs pretty well considering she has no stairs at her house.

Stefan and his goddaughter Janette and her daughter Payton. (Payton is thinking, what another picture, please let me go...)

Let me try my hand at Ciocia's hair style. Our beauty shop was courtesy of Maddie, Julia and Ela all trying their best to make Janette very pretty, not much is needed in that department, she is doing fine on her own....

Payton getting a feel for this "pool thing".

About that teaching playing pool, well Babcia is not the brightest about these things, look,.. she is trying to tell Payton to shoot at the "8" ball during the game. Pan Maca has the grip and the look all down pat, from lessons from his parents, and is showing Payton how to do "it".

The evening ended way to quickly, but was really appreciated by all. Thank you Janette & Payton for taking the time to visit us again.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Pani Mary, STO LAT

Hi Mary F. , have a great Birthday today, January 14, 2008. STO LAT to you, as you enjoy your day with your family and grandkids.

Birthday Wishes Pani Jane

Happy Birthday to you Jane. Sto Lat. Hope that you have a wonderful day today, January 14, 2008.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Growing OLD



BOWLING Jan 12, 2008

Hey we went Bowling on Saturday afternoon, after Stefan returned from work. We had a lot of fun, and especially since it has been years since Stefan bowled with me. The kids had up the bumpers to help in the scoring, Stevie had the highest score from the kids.

After our dinner and after Suzia's classes for the day, Suzia came to pick up the kids and stayed for a while to help us finish the Camouflage blanket we were making for Stevie's bed.

That about concludes our day for Saturday.

What do kids DO when they are bored?

The kids are Ela, Julia and Stevie, they were spending the night from Friday night to Saturday at our house. Well they got to "DO" Babcia's make-up and hair and the result is.....

Stefan said it looked like an improvement, ha ha ha .

What did you do on a Friday evening?

Friday, January 11, 2008

Think about this.....

You may be only ONE person in the world,...... but you may also be the world to ONE person.

Growing old is mandatory, acting young and having fun while growing old,.... is great.

Happy Birthday to you...

Wiesiek, Sto Lat to you. Have a very Happy Birthday today, January 11, 2008.

Hi Witek, STO LAT

STO LAT and a very Happy Birthday to you on Jan 11, 2008.

Monday, January 07, 2008








Saturday, January 05, 2008


Ela & Julia's school district is having a pool party tonight Jan 5 & 6, 2008 at the local Hilton Gardens Hotel on Druruy Lane. We are going to have fun all evening and night also, because it is also a sleep over in the hotel. We got 2 rooms to accomodate all of us.

Boy did we have fun. Maddie ASKED to go upstairs to sleep, because she was sooo tired from swimming already. Ok, it was 9:30PM when she asked. We had a long evening.

We started the afternoon by going swimming for a few hours. Then we had dinner in the room, I made Sloppy Joes and all the fixings that go with it, and the picnic was fun on the hotel floor. Then it was back to swimming for a little while. They showed the movie "High School Musical 2", but after 45minutes the projector broke down. So swimming and Hot Tub here we come again.

Julia and her friend Angie "hung out" together but did include Maddie in their games. Ela had her friend Gloria from her class also to play sponge-ball throwing. Stevie would hang out with Maddie and then with friends from his school also.

Sleeping arrangements changed during the night, as Maddie decided she wanted first to sleep with Julia and then with Dziadzia and then with Babcia again. SO "musical sleeping girls" were moved around.

On Sunday morning after getting packed up, we left to go to Suzia's house to have breakfast and then to church services all of us. (Koy had left at 5:30AM to go to his friend Phils' house to help out on projects). After service we came to Babcia's house to have lunch, rosul and ham and potatoes. Steve helped to take off the Christmas Lights off the roof line and off the bushes. Seeing that the weather was so warm (temps were in the upper 50's), why not take advantage of this and do it today. It was after all "3 Kings day" and I take them down after this day anyways. SO my lights are off, and now the inside needs to be UNDONE from the Christmas decorations.

Lily enjoying her ice cream cone, of course it is chocolate, the BEST.