Monday, February 28, 2011


Wishes for a Happy Birthday to our special Leap Year Baby, ok he is NOT a baby anymore.
Well he will be having his 8th Birthday DAY next year technically.
But anyways, Mikey G STO LAT from us all.

Have a wonderful celebration today and tomorrow, whichever day you choose to do the celebration on.

Friday, February 25, 2011

DAWID Sto Lat od nas w Ameryce

2-25-2011 to jest twoj specjalny dzien na obchodzenia twoich urodzin dzisiaj.

STO LAT i HAPPY BIRTHDAY od nas tu w Ameryce.

Wiem ze napewno uroslysz od tego zdencia.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

King Richard Sasin Feb 24, 2011

Ok, maybe not all the time but that is the name that he answered to King Richard as a young young boy.

Richie we wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY today.

STO LAT to you and say hi to Sarah and your family from us all.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bowl A Thon Feb 21, 2011

We had a wonderful time bowling again this year at the Joey Sykes Bowl A Thon. It is in his memory that this was created. He had died of Neuroblastoma 7 years ago. His classmates will be graduating from 8th grade this year.

Stevie M. had his own cheering section, the guys in the next lane, they were all over 5th tall, compared to Stevie who is barely 3 feet tall if that. Every time he threw a good ball they high fived him and he was very shy at that point. Lily bowled a few frames then got un-interested in it. Maddie was trying very hard to get a STRIKE every time. We told her that does not happen even to the best of the bowlers, but she tried very hard. My friend Halina had come to join us and then shee went to lunch together with us all.

Thank again to Debbie & Joe for making this possible and to be able to remember Joey with us all together.

Babcia Hela's and Bogdan's Birthday Party Feb 20, 2011

Babcia Hela had a huge success of a party celebrating her Birthday. The celebration took place on Sunday at Diane and Bruno's house.
Bogdan was the main chief as chef in charge of the kitchen. Most of the food was ordered from a place around their house. Extras to share were brought in by the family.

STO LAT and a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY Babcia Hela and Wujek Bogdan.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Congratulations to the Kozlowski Family Feb 14, 2011

Amy & Anthony had their baby boy onValentines Day. Congratulations to Babcia/Oma Irena and Dziadzia Wes.

Amy & Anthony Congratulations to the addition of your new son Keon to your family. Waiting for pictures of your son, and the three of you together.

Birthday Wishes to Ela. (S.) Feb 21, 2011

A very Happy Birthday to you today.

STO LAT to Elizabeth S.

Hope that all 3 of your "guys" took you out to celebrate this special occasion together.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Birthday to you 2-15-2011

Hi Tommy J. in Wisconsin.
Happy Birthday to you. Sto Lat on this your 20th Birthday. Have a wonderful day.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A snow hideout in the backyard

Stef had made a snow hideout (cave) for Maddie, Stevie and Lily. They got to use it ONCE. Then it got toooo cold to go outside to play in it. Well this weekend (while we were working on the floor) the cave(?) had melted down and collapsed.

In with the BRAND NEW FLOOR Sun Feb 13, 2011


What a difference a DAY makes. A surprise for Karen, Maddie, Stevie and Lily.

Out with OLD and in with the NEW Sat Feb 12, 2011

We spent our weekend helping out our son Stef at his house with a NEW floor. Karen was gone for the weekend with Maddie, Stevie and Lily. She went to visit her sister in St. Louis with her mom also.

On Friday, Stef took out the old carpeting and on Saturday morning we arrived (me and Stefan) to help clean up before putting in a new wooden floor. Karen had purchased the boxes of tongue and groove flooring before she left on her weekend.

Saturday was mostly spent removing the old carpeting and scraping the floor clean.