Tuesday, August 31, 2010

2 years ago, news about my brother in 2008

On this day my brother Daniel had a motrocycle accident in Algonquin, Illinois. Today 2010 he is doing fine and back to work, when he gets some work. Thanks again to all my friends who at the time had prayers for us then. THANK YOU for favors granted LORD.

Ann Sch......from Bramic....8-31-2010

Hey Lady, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. Hope that you get to take the day OFF and celebrate. Next year you will be entering the next decade......Does that sound terrible. Not really, I'm there and I like it.

Ms. Jill J. V. Aug 31, 2010

I know what you'll be doing today,........CELEBRATING with the family. Yeaaaahhhhh, it's your Birthday today. Happy Birthday to you (new mommy). STO LAT also. How about some more pictures of the little cutie.???????

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Michael Jusz....in Wisconsin

A very Happy 18th Birthday to you today August 28, 2010. Hope that you get to celebrate it in style

ONE Year already??? Andy & Belia Aug 28, 2010

Happy First Anniversary to Belia and Andy G. on their first year as man and wife. Good Luck, STO LAT to you both and many more wishes for your continued happiness together.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Baseball game anybody? Well we are going to one

Dziadzia and Babcia are taking Ela, Julia & Stevie to a game at the Schaumburg Alexian Field tonight, August 27, 2010 at 6pm. The weather is looking perfect and the fireworks afterwards should be fantastic to see. Do you want to know who wins? Either way whom ever wins will be a nice treat to see.

Happy Birthday Mr. Chuck K. 8-27-2010

Chuck is Koy's dad, so Happy Birthday to our in law.

Aug 27, 2001 Karen got started at...

In 2001 Karen started working at Loyola. Seems like it was just a few years ago and here it is 9 years already. Way to go Karen. Keep up the good work. I know you love the job, maybe not the hours, but the pay is good.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Happy Happy Birthday to you Mike- Arizona

We are wishing you a very Happy Birthday today, August 26, 2010.

Sto Lat. I hope you got our message thru Sonia's facebook? Hope you have a wonderful, fun day to day.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Aug 25 , Wednesday, 2010 First day back to school

Ela is going to 8th grade, Julia will be attending 5th grade and Stevie will be in 2nd grade. Ela and Julia will be in the same school, but Stevie is in another one. So Ela & Julia will be taking the same bus in the mornings, and Stevie will be taking the later one in the mornings. Makes for interesting days and schedules to keep up with.
Another school year is on its way.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

August 24, 1991 Suzia met Koy

It was at Northern and Suzia got to meet her future husband. Koy was a roomate of our neighbors son, Bob. Suzia knew Bob, so she visited him on campus, and the rest is history as we know it..... We are so glad that Koy is in our family now.

First Grade...here comes Maddie 8-24-2010

Maddie will be going to first grade already. My how the time has flown. She enjoys going to school and to be able to see her friends from last year from Kindergarten. Classes will be all day this year, last year it was only half days.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Lincoln Park Zoo with my friend Mary 8-23-2010

Mary,.... this is the lady I watch and take care of on some days. She wanted to go to the Zoo. So off we went to Lincoln Park Zoo for the day, on Monday 8-23,2010. Weather was great for a day in the Zoo. It made her day to get outdoors for the day. She got to see her favorite animals also. It was a very relaxing day for me, besides enjoying her stories of the old neighborhood she used to live in. (North ave. and Campbell ave.)

10 years ago today....Denise & Stevie

Aug 23, 2000, Stevie Jan..... met Denise Ste....... What a great meeting. Happy Anniversary on this your meeting day. I am so glad that you are a "couple" now and in "my" family. Sto Lat to you both.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pan Mieciu i Pani Stella Str.......STO LAT

A very Happy 63rd Anniversary to you both on Aug 22, 2010.
Wszystkiego najlepszego dzisiaj na te 63cia rocznice. STO LAT Zyczenia dla was 2. Duzo buzi i smacznej kolacji z curka i zenciem.

Happy Birthday to my Godson, Jason

Aug 22, 2010 Jason will be 30 years old today. Happy Birthday and Sto Lat to you. Hope that your trip to Detroit will be fun and memorable. Have fun with your cousins at the BBQ at Stevie's house.
P.S. I love the picture Tadzio posted on Facebook of your celebration with Vernor's.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hey today is my namesday....

Does anybody care? Does anybody know THAT? Aug 21, St. Daniela???? Well,. no you don't because I don't celebrate it. Ha Ha. Someone just told me that fact a long long time ago. Besides I spell my name now DANIELLA.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Geneva a day of fun.......8-15-2010

Spend the day "window shopping" for stuff. Had lunch with Halina at "The Grotto". I like this place. Will have to come again so we can hit more stores.

Fox River 2010 Motorcycling 8-14-2010

Hey I can see my reflection on Stefan's helmet. Yes that's me on the back of his Harley. Do you think this Helmet will fit my style?

Stefan and myself went for a nice long ride together on his motorcycle. We ended up on the Fox River. We saw a huge windmill and a Japanese Flower garden, which we strolled around in. As long as we were on the road the temperature was bearable, the wind blowing us to keep cool, but when we stopped for a red light, the heat was HOT. Having helmets on was not keeping us cool, but yet it was safe. We got home at 8;30pm.

Sto Lat Renee P. 8-17-2010

A very Happy Birthday to you Renee. Hope that you are having a great day today.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Set # 6 Vacation July