Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hey Mr. Sasin, Richie 2-24-09

Sto Lat to you, Richie. How are things in your corner of this world? Come up and see us some time.........HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

All packed and ready to GO 2-22-09

All 12 of us are going for a quick get away to Kalahari, in the Dells. We will be staying for 2 days,.. just enough time to get out of this SNOW. We got 4-6 inches of snow today and more is expected tomorrrow. I think we should be making snowmen and not splashing in the pools. Oh well I have enough of this winter, I need some warm activities.
See you all when we return. Stay warm and healthy.

Pra-Babcia Hela, Babcia Hela, Mama Hela 2-21-2009

Happy Birthday to you. STO LAT na te twoje 82gie urodziny. My wszyscy cie kochamy mocno.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Before & After pictures and NOW

Are you ready for the after pictures, AFTER I went to the beauty shop????

Ok, so it is not me, how did you figure that one out? Another beauty in the family.
Ok, not her real hair , either. But isn't she cute with this wig?
I guess I can not compete with such beauty and youth-ness.
I have quiet a few years on this young lady.

You will just have to see me when you SEE me.

STO LAT Gosia i Krzysiu 2-20-2009

Happy 38th Anniversary to you both. STO LAT. Jak tam wasze zdrowie? Co nowego uwas?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy 32nd Birthday Mark K. in New York

A very Happy Birthday to you and STO LAT wishes also. Hope to get to see you this year in the Chicago area.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Get Well Quick JANETTE 2-17-2009

Janette had foot surgery to correct the broken bone (?) that was damaged Dec 31, 2008. Good Luck and a quick recovery to you Janette. Love you Lots. Babcia (Bafa Diane) will enjoy taking care of Payton and you while she is there for awhile.

Father and 2 daughters Dance 2-13-2009

It was the Valentines Daddy Daughter Dance Special. Koy took out 2 of his special girls out for a dance. It was Ela & Julia of course. Mama stayed home with her other best man, Stevie.

Julia did dance at least one dance, she was more into talking with her girlfirends than her daddy. Ela did a lot of dancing with her daddy. They had cookies and juice for snacks, also popcorn, pretzels and cupcakes.

What??? No one is interested how I turned out ??

I went to the Beauty Shop and I know I turned out more beautiful than before. Yessireee I like to blow my own horn. You want to see what I turned out like after a visit to the shop????

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy 35th Anniversary Ela & Joe G.

Feb 16, 1974 you had a very special day and today you celebrate your 35th Wedding Anniversary. STO LAT to you both.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy 18th Birthday Tommy Feb 15, 2009

STO LAT to you in Wisconsin, Tommy Happy 18th Birthday.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

LOVE is in the Air 2009

HAPPY VALENTINES TO YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES. I wish you a loving day today.

Friday, February 13, 2009

HAPPY 16th Anniversary Adas & Corinne 2009

Happy Anniversary to you as you celebrate your 16th year of your Wedding vows. STO LAT to you both. We love you and think of you often.

Hannah, Happy Birthday to you Feb 13, 2009

Hannah a very Happy Birthday to you on you 9th Birthday in Wisconsin. STO LAT.

February 13, 2009 STO LAT Bogdan

We wish you Sto Lat of happiness and stay healthy. Happy Birthday to you Bogdan.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

STO LAT Irene 2009

A very happy birthday to you Irene in Lakemoor, Illinois.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

They call it a Beauty shop RIGHT?

Well we made it a full days activity, Basia & myself. We went to a beauty shop to get our hair done.

This is how we looked BEFORE and during the beauty treatment. If you want to see what good it did, you just have to stop by and see for yourslef what we look like NOW? We got the treatment alright.

Bathtime at Babcia's Feb 2009

Bathtime has to last at least for an hour, that is how long it takes to wash up all the dollies and etc. Look at how intense the faces are on getting the dolls washed up and combed. Finally Lily enjoys getting dried up herself and then SHE has to brush her hair. Do you think there are enough toys in the tub with them and on the shelf in the tub??? Stevie hangs his guy up to dry upside down.

Putting on a SHOW MDL 2009

After seeing the Cinderella Play Maddie wanted to be her and told me that she would put on a show just for me.

Maddie, Stevie & Lily were putting on a costume ball dance for me. They are on the "Stage", and the "costumes" were their idea.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Have a safe trip home from Florida, Diane 2009

Hoping that you had an enjoyable few days with Janette, Payton and Paul. See you soon.

Happy Birthday Joy waaaay up in the Upper Michigan area.

A very Happy Birthday to you Joy. Sto Lat to you. Hope that you are staying healthy & happy and WARM.

Happy Birthday to Devan 2009

A very Happy 12th Birthday to you in Wisconsin. We think of you often. STO LAT to you.

Monday, February 09, 2009

STO LAT Stevie in Detroit 2009

We wish you a very Happy Birthday and STO LAT to you. We hope that you liked your special card.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Happy 4th Anniversary to Antos & Cathy Feb 6, 2009

How is the family growing? Healthy and happy. Sto Lat to you on your 4th Anniversary already.

Happy Anniversary Monica Feb 6, 2009

Hi Monica and Happy Anniversary to you and Juan. Sto Lat. Good Luck on going back to College.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

STO LAT Teresa Feb 4, 2009

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Superbowl - Halftime at Babcia's house 2009

After a large dinner, we watched the superbowl in Special 3-D glasses
Sugar high. Jump on Babcia's bed.

Taking a break, lay down like sardines.

Let's jump some more.

Thank you, Mama


Thank you!
...for the pictures you post here...
...for the dinner last week, with all 12 of us at our house...
...for coming in the mornings to make sure the kids get off to school on time...
...for the umpteen loads of laundry you've done here...
...for the lunches, the breakfasts, and the dinners you've made...
...for all the little things you've picked up, sorted, put away, and cleaned here...
...for chasing me out the door so I'm at school on time...
...for everything you do...

I love you!
