Friday, November 30, 2007

December 1, 2007, Maca Christmas Party

This is friday evening and we are getting ready to host our annual Christmas Party on Saturday evening.

The Santa Hats are cleaned, as are the Reindeer antlers. The Bells are shined up to ring in the Carols and Koledy. The Christmas Tree is up and shining brightly. The Caroling books were updated to include some more Carols and corrected some of the old ones. Hoping that all that come will have an enjoyable time at our house. Of Course they will be wearing their RED TOPS.

Of course there are always the exceptions to this rule. I am sure that they will wear their RED TOPS this year.

Here are some pictures of last years party as we enjoyed ourselves.

Karen waited two more days before having the baby (Lily).
Is that Santa, and why is Wujek Koy laughing???

Stefan videotaping the singing, as his usual job every year.

Getting something sweet in those belly's
Our Group PICTURE of the Christmas Party 2006

Snuggling up to Santa, to get a good present.
Na Zdrowie to you also.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Nov 26, 2007, Mr. Lynn C. in Washington

Happy Birthday to our friend Lynn C. in Seattle, Wash area. Sto Lat to you. So does this mean you can now get Senior Care? Ha Ha.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Nov 24, 1981 So that means

Mike is having a Birthday today. Happy Birthday Mr. Mike S. from Addison.

Happy 45th Anniversary Barbara & Teddy

My sister is celebrating her 45th Anniversary on November 24, 2007. They are living most of the year now in Florida. The weather suits them fine and they are enjoying their golden years now there. Happy Anniversary to you and Sto Lat together.

Belated Wishes Stan's Birthday

Glad we got those wishes to you, although late, but glad to talk to you. Happy Belated Birthday and Sto Lat to you Stan. Weather in Arizona is around 75, well that is a lot warmer than we had here for Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

STO LAT to a very Special 5 year old

Sto Lat to Stevie, our Kolega, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. Happy Thanksgiving today Nov 22, 2007 , to you also.

Seems like it was just yesterday and here you are five already. We love you lots, from Babcia & Dziadzia.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving and Smacznego Turka to all

That time of the year has rolled by again. We wish all a very Happy Healthy Thanksgiving. Hope that your day is filled with family and happy memories to share. May your table be filled with plenty of goodies.

We are Thankful for another year together as a family. Knowing daily that "This Day is Very Special. "

We send you Love, Peace, Health and Happiness .

Monday, November 19, 2007

MAZOWSZE Sun Nov 18, 2007

We also went to see the Mazowsze Folk Dance Group. They performed at The Symphony Center downtown Chicago. We got to see a few people that we also saw at the Scout Zabawa on Saturday. The performance was great, it really made our toes go tapping. Reminded us of when we were in the Polonez Dance Group. That was quite a few years ago, when we performed. It has been ten years since the Mazowsze were in the Chicago area.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

ZABAWA from Nov 17, 2007

Bozenna & Andy

Dorota & Jadzia
Halina checking out the Silent Auction items.

A few pictures of us at the Zabawa "Obozowe Tango". It was held at Przybylo's White Eagle, and was chaired by the Polish Scouting Organization.

We all had a great time, especially since it has been a while since we got to dance and socialize together. It was nice seeing Dana and Lynn come in from Seattle to be with us here. Seeing faces from old scouting days. Well I was not in the Scouts, Suzia and Stef were in it, but I got to know most of the faces.

Roman, Happy Birthday to you. Nov 18, 2007

Happy Birthday wishes are sent to you Roman S. on your special day today. STO LAT from us all.

Sto Lat Marcin Jr. Nov 18, 2007

Happy 8th Birthday to you. Sto Lat from us all. Did Babcia Gosia make dinner for you all to celebrate your Birthday today?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Pani Luci STO LAT Nov 17, 2007

Hey Girl, Happy Birthday to you. Hope that you are celebrating your special day today. STO LAT.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Nov 16, 2007-Happy 45 years HERE

Yes is has been already 45 years since Stefan and his family came to the USA. His mom, Hela, dad Stachu, his sister Krystyna, brother Bruno, and brother Bogdan came to the USA. Stefan's Babcia Anna was already here with her step-son Bruno and his wife Wikcia. I am so glad that it all worked out the way it did. This way I have my Stefan and my family now to share and love .

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Temp date for Surgery Diane's 2007

Diane has a date for her foot surgery to be done on Tuesday, Nov 20,2007. She will have it done outpatient at St. Alexius. So call her before the surgery and let's all give her some good encouragment to have in the back of her mind to

Zabawa Nov 17, 2007

We (me & Stefan) are planning going to the Scouts Zabawa, called "Tango Obozowe" this coming Saturday. at Przybylo's on Milwaukee ave. There will be about 22-24 people that will join us there at our tables. It should be a lot of fun. Some of the people that are coming are Mary & Richie, Halina & Andy, Marysia & Danek, Dana & Lynn, Basia & Steve, Basia & Maciek, Jadzia & Staszek, Dorota & Stas and some of their friends also.

Nov 15, 2007 Heniek Sto Lat

Sto Lat, Happy Birthday to you. Wszystkiego najlepszego tobie w dniu urodzin.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Happy 25th Anniversary

Sto Lat and Happy 25th Anniversary to Nancy & Ted in Madison. Hope that you had a great time celebrating in Chicago. How was the play "Jersey Boyz"?

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Pani Annie Sto Lat Nov 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Anna. Hope that you enjoyed your birthday celebration with your family. See you soon.

Happy Anniversary to Bridget & Ron

Sto Lat on your Anniversary in Florida on Nov 11, 2007.

Happy Birthday to my brother Daniel

Sto Lat, Daniel Nov 11, 2007. Have a great time in Detroit visiting your sister and nephews with Mom. Have a safe trip back home on Monday.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Pani Ewa L. in Addison. Nov 9, 2007

Happy Birthday and Sto Lat to you Ewa. Are you having a big party with Mike, and the girls?

Sto Lat Mr. Ken O. Nov 9, 2007

Have a really Happy Birthday on Friday celebrating with Baisa. Sto Lat to you.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Did Diane do something exciting on Sunday??

You bet, well maybe not exciting but it was a little painful. She broke her left ankle, walking into her garage. Spent the evening in the E.R. room at Alexian Hospital.
As of Wednesday she has a cast on her left foot. She will be staying home for 4-6 weeks. Not going to work at all. So I think she will need a little phone contact or emails from us. How about a little get well note to her, to tell her we are thinking of her daily. The phone she said would be in her reach daily.

So here is to Diane GET WELL QUICK. We need you walking around soon.

Stefan's Bone Biopsy Nov 6, 2007

Stefan's appointment went pretty well,..well almost.... After the blood work, Doctor Olga started on his bone biopsy procedure. She tried the right side of his hip bone and could not find a spot to "drill into", so she tried again on the left side. This means that he was given and injection to numb the right side of his hip and now a "shot" to numb his left side. Finally she was able to get a spot to go into his left hipbone. The results "looked" okay for now she said. I will get a call on Wed or Thurs with the results from the lab.

Stefans' blood work was good, his WBC (white blood count) last time was 3.8 now it was 4.4,.... his RBC (red blood cells) were at? but they are now at 3.87, still low for now, need to be at least at 4.20,....... his HGB (hemoglobin) was 13.2 now it is 13.5,....... his PLT (platelets) were at 99 now they went up to 102. Still a ways to go, to get to the low level of 140-390 but he is climbing up to that spot.

Stefan went back to work after this episode with the doctor visit, by evening he was pretty sore to sit or stand, but he still played with the grandkids, Maddie, Stevie & Lily, who were over for the evening on Tuesday. They just wanted to see his band-aids on his back, which were right below his belt line.

Little Stevie has taken to sleeping with Dziadzia now and he was in bed right next to dziadzia when they went to sleep around 8:30pm.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

STO LAT to Maciek Nov 6, 2007

Happy Birthday to you. Hope you enjoyed your Sushi dinner out in Homer Glen with the kids and Basia.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Stefan's Bone Biopsy scheduled for Tuesday Nov 6, 2007

Will post more on Stefan's website. Just letting you know he has one scheduled for Tuesday at the Hospital. Results wil also be posted.

Happy 30th Anniversary to Krys & Jessie

How is the weather UP UP in Ashland,Wisconsin? Sto Lat to you 2. Happy Anniversary to you on Nov 5, 2007.

STO LAT Marek Nov 5, 2007

Happy Birthday to you Marek. Hope that your day will be a good one to celebrate your Birthday. STO LAT.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Ciocia WIKCIA STO LAT Nov 4, 2007

Happy 85th Birthday to you Ciocia Wikcia in Wisconsin. Wszystkiego najlepszego dzisiaj w dniu urodzin twoje. STO LAT. Happy Birthday.

Happy 12th Anniversary Basia & Steve

Basia & Steve are celebrating in West Chicago their Anniversary on Sunday Nov 4, 2007.
Yeah, STO LAT to you 2. Hi to Sydney also.

Happy Anniversary Anne & Jerry

Happy 34th Anniversary to you 2 lovebirds. Have a wonderful day, doing what makes you happy today. See you soon.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Nov 2, 1956

Yep, that is the year I came to the States with my mom, dad, sister Barbara and brother Adam. My other brother Daniel was born here in the USA. We landed at Midway Airport, there was no O'Hare at the time.
Seems like only 20 years ago, but I must have my math wrong, cause it really couldn't be that many years, I AM only 39.!!!!!! Well time and this country have been really good to me and my family. God Bless the USA.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Sto Lat Pani Janina S. in Chicago

Wszystkiego najlepszego dzisiaj w dniu urodzin. Happy Birthday. Idziecie "OUT" z Urszula?

STO LAT Anthony 11-01-07

Have a very Happy Birthday, now that Mama & Wes came to visit. Go see the sights in New York.