Friday, September 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Mikki 9-29-07

STO LAT to you Mikki B. in Arlington Heights. We wish you a great day today. See you soon.

STO LAT Basia & Maciek 9-28-07

Happy 32nd Anniversary wishes to you both today . Time is just flying by now after you reach that 30th year. See you soon.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Welcome to the new son of Kasia & Mile, Master Tyler Roman.
He was born on Tuesday September 25th at 9:17 p.m. 7 lbs. 13 oz. 21- 1/4 inches long

STO LAT to you, and welcome to this earth.

Pani Krysia STO LAT w Arizonie 9-26-07

Happy Birthday today Krys in Arizona. See you soon in Wisconsin, at the Wedding of Jill and Jason.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sto Lat na te 80ka

STO LAT Pani-Babcia Stella. Dzisiaj zyczymy duzo zdrowia i pociechy z wszystkich 3 wnukow. Wnuki tu w stanie i w stanie Florydy takze. Happy Birthday on your 80th Birthday today.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Apple Picking 9-22-07

I went Apple Picking with my 6 grandkids and Steve on Saturday. We went to Royal Oaks Farm in Hebron, Ill. Free to get in, parking costs $3.00 on Saturdays only, other days free parking. Closed on Sunday.

We also had lunch at the farm, (very long lines for food). There was a childrens play area. There were tractors, Fire Engines, Noahs Arks and boats all out of wood for kids to climb on. We spent a lot of time there. Kids went on a Choo choo train rides, Merry-go Rounds. Petted the Zoo animals, after we fed them.

Most of the low growing apples were picked, so Steve helped each one of the kids with a lift to his shoulders for the kids to reach the apples. Lily enjoyed sucking the juice out of the apples, cause her teeth are not big enough for the bites yet. We spent most of the day at this apple orchard. Walked around the pumpkin patch, trying to find a good one to carve for Halloween.

After we finished at the farm, we met Stefan and his 2 other motorcycling buddies, Andy and Danek out in Hebron for Ice cream. (Stefan went golfing in the morning and then Motorcycling to Lake Geneva) came just in time to join us there. We made it home to our house by 8pm. Ela, Julia and Stevie will spend the night at Babcia's house till Sunday morning after breakfast they will go home to go to church.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Happy Wedding Day 9-21-07

Congratulations go out to Eva & Michael on their Weddng day on Friday, September 21, 2007. STO LAT. We plan on being there and helping you celebrate your special day.

Happy Anniversary Kasia & Mile

Happy 5th Anniversary to you both on Sept 21, 2007. STO LAT. May your continuing growing family be healthy & happy as one big family.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sept 20, Happy 26th Renee G. Y.

Renee G.Y. Happy 26th Birthday to you in Minnesota. STO LAT. How is Laith doing now at 1 1/2 years old?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Happy 27th Birthday to Paul J.

Sto Lat to you. How is your brother Eric and your Dad? Happy Birthday on Sept. 19 to you.

Happy Anniversary to Wiesia & Witek 9-19

Sto Lat to you two.. Have a grand Anniversary celebration today.

Happy Big 60 to Richie in Lake Zurich

Hey Richie, you made it to the big 60. STO LAT. Have a great Birthday. Enjoy your day today on Sept 18, 2007 . See you soon.

Happy 14th Birthday Kamil L.

Best of wishes to you today on your 14th Birthday.

Happy Anniversary Cyndy & Peter

Heard you renewed your vows earlier with a great party, so Happy Anniversary again to you two today.

Happy 29th Birthday Richie S. in Des Plaines

Are you in the country or out? I know your dad is out,.... anyways Happy Birthday wishes to you, when you get back to reading this. Sto Lat.

8 years ago and.... it was 59 1/2' long

Of course you know I am talking about that Stefan went Sturgeon fishing ......and caught that size of a Sturgeon. Just thought that you would like to know. He also went in 1995 and caught one that was 52 1/2" and that one weighed 32 lbs. Tastes delicious, almost like smoked salmon. We had it smoked, had the head cut off and I took it to Maine South High school for the students to get to look at in their Lab Department .

Happy 4th Birthday Carly

You are such a big girl now. Very independent. Sto Lat to you. Enjoy your birthday today as you celebrate together with Dziadzia Richie also. Last time I heard about you , you had the stomach flu. I hope that it is ALL over by now.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Morton Arboretum Babcia goes Bicycling 9-12-07updated

I had the day off of work, and Suzia's kids had only a half day of school today. SOooooooo, I went to take them to The Morton Arboretum for a day of fun & bicycling. I had emptied the van of chairs and folded the couch. Put my bicycle in there and then went to get their bicycles to put in also. Had lunch first when they got home from school. Packed a snack pack and then the bikes. Suzia drove her van with the kids I had all the bikes. Wednesday was discount day at the Arboretum, good choice, point one for me.

When we arrived, parked in the parking lot then unloaded all the bikes and connected the burley (a little covered wagon for one or 2 small children that connects to the bicycle- Suzia's). Everyone had a bike, Ela, Jula, Stevie, Suzia and myself. Stevie's had training wheels still, well he is only 4 1/2. We got on the bike trails, we found a lot of up and down roads, good for the legs, (Yeah right, I was really looking forward to doing leg exercises today). I will really sleep tonight, so will the kids. We drove the bikes for a good hour or more. Then we went to the Childrens Garden section and the Arbovitea Maze. What fun, plenty of things to climb on and in and out of.....Saw plenty of things that kept the kids interested in, they kept looking to see what would be around the next corner or part of the park. We could have used more than the 2 hours that we had in there. They were closing the grounds at 5:00 so we had to start packing up to get out of there.
When we got home I think pretty much everyone was tired and glad to get home.

The weather was PERFECT not too hot or too cold. The sun really warmed up the day, the temps were predicted only in the low 60's, but that was great.

Tomorrow is another day with the other 3 grandkids Maddie, Stevie and Lily,.......what will I be doing with them? Tune in......

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Happy 40th Anniversary Irene & Lester

What a nice surprise celebration you had for your 40th Anniversary.
STO LAT to you both.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Okay all of you family and friends that have children in school,.......Let us know what grade they are in this year. Also how do they like school so far..........Did they join any sports activities yet? How about some pictures? Hey pre-school counts also.

OKAY I will start, my daughter is back to school and she is in her first semester at Benedictine College, her name is Suzia. (she is my child, adult age and back to school to get her Masters Degree, she wants to Teach Jr. Hi-Middle School age kids. Oh yes she has a lot of fun doing homework together with her children next to her.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Remembering 9/11

Please say a little prayer for all those that were injured or died in that horrible tragedy of 9/11/01. I think that the whole world was touched by this tragic event. We live in such a great country and it is unbelievable that a tragedy like this could and did happen here.

God Bless the United States of America.

The week of Sept 2 to Sept 9, 2007

Well, I already mentioned what we did on Sunday Sept 2 and on Monday Labor Day. So that takes us to Wednesday. Karen had taken Lily for her 9 month check-up. She got her shots, the ones that are needed at this time in her life. Nothing special today, just that 2 years ago today Stefan and I were in the E.R. only to find out that he had pneumonia, anemia and also that he HAD Leukemia. So here we are, Thursday I was babysitting Steve's kids for the day. I got there the usual 7am, and the kids were NOT up, oh oh, that only means one thing. Yes, they were not feeling great, so they were still sleeping. Maddie had the sniffles still, she is on medication since Tuesday. Little Stevie was feverish and asleep till 8:45 am, not like hime to be sleeping so long. Lily was a little slower in her crawling around also. By the time we finished eating breakfast, I decided to go to my house for the day. All 3 of them dozed on and off on the ride to my house. We played in the back yard a little when we got home, then it was time for lunch. No eating there, just nibbling only. By the time it was 2pm we ALL and I do mean ALL took to the bed for a long nap....... When I woke up with the kids it was 5:15pm, Steve came after work to get the kids. By the evening little Stevie was very uncomfortable. Friday morning Karen took little Stevie to the doctor, he has a double ear infection. So now Maddie is on antibiotics, Lily is still feeling her shots, Stevie is on antibiotics, and the doctor told Karen that if he is not feeling better by Saturday late afternoon, she should bring him in to the hospital for observation. Friday afternoon I try to clean up the germs/viruses that were left by Steve's kids, because on Saturday Suzia's kids are spending the day with us. Saturday morning my right hand starts to swell up like a balloon. By the time Ela, Julia & Stevie come over I have the "ithchies" like crazy. Stefan has left his regular time of 7am to go Golfing on his Saturday league. When Suzia & Koy drop off Ela, Julia & Stevie I go with them to the Immediate care center for my hand. Suzia and Koy have gone to Arlington Park Racetrack for the day. Compliments of his work CDW. Well the doctor puts me on Benadryl tablets and cream for now. I had the Steroids for the left hand swelling. This time to try Benadryl......It comes out the doctor believes I have contact dermatitis or it could be a spider bite, either one could swell up my hand like it did. Saturday afternoon I got tickets to see a Circus in Norwood Park. We have a great time. Had the usual popcorn, cotton candy, snow cones and sodapop. The acts mesmerized Stevie, but Ela and Julia just enjoy the performances. The flying trapeze, the jugglers, the animals etc. After the circus we were going to go and join Karen, Steve,Maddie, Stevie and Lily at the Septemberfest in their town. I asked Suzia & Koy if Ela, Julia & Stevie could spend the night, mom & dad said yes. We had a great breakfast in morning. But things changed overnight, Yep, Stevie was feeling a little better , but now daddy Steve was not feeling so hot. They go have dinner at Karen's parents house. By Sunday Steve is very feverish and achy. Karen wakes up with a scratchy throat and an eye that is pink. Yessiree!!!!! Pink eye is what they have to share now in that house. So the weekend was a wash, we did not get to see them from Thursday.
On Sunday morning Stefan went motorcycling with his friend Andy B. and Danek S. they go to the farm to get some more of that delicious corn (Mirai) he got last time. I drove Ela, Julia & Stevie back to their house and went to church with them all. After church services Koy made lunch for us all and I stayed for awhile to help Julia straighten her room up a little.. Sunday afternoon I made dinner just for the 2 of us. Wow it seemed so quiet only the 2 of us. Cleaned up a little and it was time for bed.
Monday Steve stayed home from work, feverish scratchy throat and pink eye, needed more prescriptions. Karen moved her work day from Monday to Tuesday to tend to the family, unless she has more than pink eye she might not go in on Tuesday herself. We will see. So now it is Monday evening.

P.S. I do have pictures to post from the Circus with this posting, but I need to download them first from my camera and I am tired for the night, will do them tomorrow.

Was this a quick short post or what?

Corrine In Detroit is having a Special day on 9-11-07

Corinne is celebrating her birthday today. Hope that you and Adam & Maegan will be celebrating together. STO LAT from us all here.

Michelle, Happy Birthday 9-11-07

Happy Birthday to you today.

Ms. Bridget in Florida is celebrating a Birthday

Happy Birthday to Bridget, Diane's sister in Florida. Sto Lat to you today September 10, 2007.

Monday, September 03, 2007

LABOR DAY Monday 9/03/07

We were invited to spend Monday afternoon at Diane & Bruno's house in Inverness. Janette & Payton came in from Florida, Michelle , Lauren & Alex and Chris came. . As well as Diane's parents. Babcia Hela & Bo were there also. Teresa & Heniek were invited also. The weather was forecast as beautiful and temps in the low 80's.
P.S. Steve did not come as Maddie and little Stefciu were running a fever for 2 days already. Lily was not but she is teething and also has a runny nose from those teeth coming is. Karen was working this past weekend. Suzia, Koy, Ela, Julia and Stevie came.
Dziadzia Bruno with Payton.
Babcia Diane trying to get her 3 grandchildren to pose with her.
Payton found out that what Julia was eating IS GOOD.
A family group picture.
Diane getting to hold Payton for just a quick second. She HAS to go somewhere.
Great Grandpa, Dziadzia Mieciu with one of his 2 Princesses, Payton.
A closer look at who is taller, Janette or Suzia?

Babcia Diane with her 3 grandchildren, oh well they wanted to go and play not POSE.

We had a beautiful day weatherwise and family wise. We got to see Janette and Miss Payton has started walking by herself. She is so wonderful, she went to just about anybody that held her, not that she stayed, but she went to them. Lauren & Alex had a good time playing with their cousins. Ela, Julia, Stevie & Payton. There were toys here and there and everywhere. Of course the kids got them away from the adults so they could play also with them once in awhile. (ha ha).
By the evening , sitting outside was impossible, the mosquitoes got the better of us and we all went indoors.

20 Years ago today 9-05-07

Dana & Lynn Happy Anniversary to you both. Lot of hugs and kisses are sent to you . STO LAT Hoping that you 2 are celebrating in a BIG way this year. How is the weather in Seattle?

5go Wrzesnia Weronika ma 7 latek

STO LAT dla Weroniki, na te 7me urodziny. Happy Birthday od nas tu w Ameryce.

Musze dostac nowsze zdjencie z tego roku.

Happy 8th Anniversary Tammy & Tony 9-04-07

September 4, 2007 ......I hope that you two are celebrating your Anniversary. Sto Lat. May you enjoy many, many more happy years together.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Happy Anniversary to you Genia & Janek 9-02-07

Wishing you a very Happy Anniversary to you two. STO LAT.

Mr. Ron, Happy Birthday in Florida 2007

Wishing you a fun day on your birthday, Sept 2, 2007, STO LAT.

BBQ at the House in Lake Summerset 9/02/07

Early in the morning Stefan and friends will go on a motorcycle run to go get fresh corn from the farms in Woodstock. He will be back by 10:30 and then we will get going to the Lake house.

Jerry & Anne invited us and our family for a gathering at their summer house. Karen has to work this weekend, so she will not be able to come. Steve is coming alone with the 3 kids. SUzia and her family are enjoying the visit of Koy's mom & stepdad for the weekend, so they also will not be able to come. But we are celebrating that Stefan is now 2 years since we found out that he had Leukemia and is in remission.