Saturday, March 31, 2007

While one is recuperating the other brothers are.....

Yes siree,..... while Tony is at home, the other brothers are on the slopes in Colorado. Mikey and Andy and a friend are having a great time skiing their hearts out. Well not literally, but I heard they are having fun. Hope to hear about their trip when they return on Tuesday.

Guess who is recuperating from surgery??

Our friend Tony Grygo had his ACL "worked" on Friday. He is at home for his rehab. Will have to wear one of those big braces that strap on his leg for support.
Stay at home for a few days, let Tammy pamper you till you can not stand it anymore. Or at least till she is tired of working for you. ......
Remember I know what I am talking about, Stefan had his done twice, so rest to make sure it heals right. Take care, we love you.

Need anything???

STO LAT PANI, A very special day for you today

My friend Pani Dana is having a special day today in Seattle, because it is her Birthday. Every birthday is special when you celebrate it with the ones you LOVE.
P.S. We are there in spirit for you.
Sto Lat. Wish we could be there,.... maybe soon.

Special Day for Pani Basia Peksa.....STO LAT

On your birthday today we wish you lots of hugs and kisses from all. Hoping to get to see you soon. Happy Birthday from us all here. Is Maciek taking you to a special night out tonight??

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Bowling and rainy day sports.

The oldest and the youngest bowlers.

These are some of the teamates that went bowling on Wednesday. We got scores that ranged from 28 to 156. Yes, we had one alley with the bumpers up so the kids could achieve those high scores of over 50. I will let you guess who got what score. We enjoyed a large Pizza while we were there, but the most fun was trying to find a BALL that would fit. The least weight that we did find was a 7 pounder. So those muscles were at work.

Later on in the day we went and had fun in this huge basketball hall that is located at Steve and Karen's Association Building. Since the weather was not the greatest, we did what we could to have fun and boy we sure did. We did not bring our swimsuits this time, but we will on our next trip altogether.

The only thing was that is was very warm inside there, so you guessed it, we slowly had to remove some of our clothing to have fun on the court. (We stayed decent.) The kids enjoyed themselves so much while we were playing Basketball, DodgeBall (Karen's aim has got to improve or else) and then we had Wheel Barrow races. (Why improve her aim? you ask about Karen... well her little Lily got tagged by the ball on her arm while Babcia was holding her and Karen shot. She is fine.) Ok, I did some of the games with the kids also, and then when they tried to make me a wheelbarrow, well my nose skidded a few times on the wooden floor. I guess they did not have that much strength to get me going. Or was it that I was just a little toooo heavy for them. Can you picture them trying to get my legs up in the air. Well forget it, it is not a pretty sight.

Is this ball big enough for the basket??
Okay, Babcia you have to help us out a little, quit laughing so much already.
Karen taking an aim for her best shot.

Anyways the day went great for us all. We plan on doing this or something like this again soon.

Our great photographer, Suzia, kept her "good eye" on us all. (No, she doesn't need glasses again after her eye surgery - she was "holding" Ela's glasses for her and keeping them safe.)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Klein Creek Farm

Julia got an up close look at sheep.
Stevie getting a close look at.... oh no, Mom what is this? Is this what I think it is?
Stevie getting to feel the wool on a sheep.
Ela got to pet "Annie" the horse, to bad they do not get to ride them on this farm.

The weather was just right for us today to visit Klein Creek Farm. Ela, Julia & Stevie got the see sheep, horses and calfs. The one calf we saw was only a day and a half old. We got to experience an old farmhouse, that has no electricity or running water in the house. So they were told what the kids in THOSE times had chores to do.

Sto Lat Bobby Gabrylewicz

Yeah, I hear that you are also engaged. So Happy Day on both occasion. Happy Birthday to you.

Happy 3rd Annv Amy & Matt

Seems like your wedding was just this past year. Happy Anniversary to you. STO LAT also.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Ela enjoying the computer

Hey at Babcia's house I can be ON it alone, not having to share it with Julia all the time.


Putting the blocks together in the tub.
You want us to smile, like this?

I don't want to get out just yet, Babcia.

MUSTANG Grande 1973


My brother Daniel has it for sale. It runs and has 87,000 miles on it. Original Color also.

Rear end view
A closer look inside.
Hood is halfway open, he is working on it.

Enjoying the warm weather

On a warm sunny Sunday afternoon at Babcia's house, it is so nice to swing laying down.
Helping the neighbors fix the lawn by seeding the grass. These helpers work cheap. For a lollipop from Ciocia Basia.
Miss Lily has the right idea, nap and snooze all day long.

Happy B-day Kristen

Happy Birthday to Kristen McConeghy in Florida. Have a great day on your Birthday today. STo Lat to you.

Look who is a teen-ager now?

Happy Birthday to Perry Fedorowicz. Sto Lat to you. You made it to your teens finally. Congratulations , have an awesome day.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Happy 33rd Birthday to Janette on 3-21-07........Sto Lat.......from Ciocia & Wujek.

Just a quick look at what we prepared for you on your Birthday HERE.

How nice it will be to celebrate with your mom, together with you and Payton & Paul.

This is Stevie's work to YOU.
Ela working on her creation for YOU.
P.S. This is the picture I was to attach for you.
Julia working on her creation for YOU.

Monday, March 19, 2007


Hey you sure don't look your age.

STO LAT. Thanks for coming to visit us in "Chicago area". Hope you enjoyed seeing us ALL.

The Jerry Springer show was a hit with you and Daniel, I hear.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Happy Anniversary to Gosia & Andrzej

Happy Anniversary to a great couple.
It was nice seeing you at Babcia Hela's 80th Birthday party.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Top o' the Mornin' to ya!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Hope everyone is feeling just a wee bit Irish today!

Put a spring in your step, and mind the wee folk!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Halina-STO LAT

Halina enjoying dinner with her favorite GUY.
Halina you should SEE what you are drinking!!

A very Happy Birthday to you today! Hoping your celebration will turn out great. Are Mikki and Katie coming home for the weekend?
STO LAT to you my friend.

Happy FIRST Birthday to Sydney Ladwig

A year has passed and now you are a big girl, but still the small sister to your brothers. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.

STO LAT TEDDY in Detroit

Happy Birthday to you as you celebrate another year in Detroit. Hoping to see you before you drive to Florida again for the summer. STO LAT to you szwager.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Ela has a new look these days...

Well, the time has come... Ela's vision is not 20/20, as much as we wish it could be. Ela got glasses this month, to help her see 20/20. Glasses should especially help her, now that her desk is in the back of the classroom, after the last rearranging of desks in her fourth grade classroom.

Just thought I'd post a picture of how beautiful Ela is with her new glasses. Have a look for yourselves...

P.S. I (Babcia) think you look beautiful, just like your mama when see got glasses at about the same age.

Doing things at Babcia's house

The three Macas catching a nap at Babcia's house.
Trying to hide in the cabinets from Babcia.
Another day, another nap - this time with Stevie Koivun.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Happy 41st Anniversary Diana & Mike

Hope that you are celebrating your anniversary today. STO LAT to you both.

A quick visit from Kasia

It was so nice to get to see Kasia for her Birthday (tomorrow on March 13). She used to go to grammar school with Suzia. STO LAT Kasia, thanks for stopping by at our house.

Hey Rosie Happy Birthday to you in Florida

It has been some time since we saw each other in person. So Happy Birthday to you this way. Take care of yourself.

Anniversary Greetings to our neighbors

STO LAT. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Basia & Pete. Many more years of happines are wished for you two guys. It is such a pleasure to live next to you. We have had so much help and fun sharing from you it is unbelievable. THANKS AGAIN.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Congratulations Mikey & Mollie

Happy to hear the news that you two got engaged. Heard all about how it came about also. Congratulations. Placki on me anytime, Mikey.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

What the LADIES did while the men were away....

Well Karen had to work, on one day then off one day etc. Suzia had done the same - one evening on and the next one off, or was it the other way around? I think Suzia worked 4 evenings in a row.

Guess what Babcia did? I babysat, here and there, wherever I was needed. Yes, I did have all 6 of my grandkids together, more than once too. On Friday, Karen and I (ok, Suzia came for a little while before work) took all 6 grandkids to the Enchanted Castle (Lombard) to kill some time there and have fun. On Friday afternoon, I also took Ela to the doctor, and just as I suspected, she had strep throat. All taken care of and back to life. We made cookies, made lunches, played a lot of games, made forts and watched some TV.

We spent most of the days and evenings at Suzia's house. I found it easier to travel from Karen's house with Maddie, Stevie and Lily, to stay at Suzia's house with Ela, Julia & Stevie. Lunches were fun, as was dinner in the evenings. Bathtime was spent eating ice cream in the tub. Why not? They got messy and clean at the same time.
No pictures, cause I really had my hands full most of the time.
We ladies also bonded. We made DO with the time that we had together.

Glad to have been able to spend so much time with all six wnuczki - even if I did need a good night's sleep once the guys came home!


Stefan,Steve,Bo,Koy & Phil were in Utah skiing for 5 days. Just thought you would like to see some views of them there.
They had a great time, all that Testosterone together for all those days, you just know that it was FUN.
You want to know who did the cooking, and cleaning?
Guess what the Ladies did while they were gone?
Look into next blog addition.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

March 3, 1973 Luci & Ted

Happy Anniversary to you two. Happy 34th year. Sto Lat, wszystkiego najlepszego dla was dwoje.
Belated Birthday wishes for Laith also.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Maria, Happy Birthday to you 3-02

Happy Birthday Maria. Are you celebrating with Katherine and Irena tonight?
Sto Lat to you.