Thursday, August 31, 2006

Happy Birthday Ms. Jill, STO LAT

Hey Lady, what is new with you lately? Been years since we saw or heard from you, I think. Anyhow have one terrrific Birthday. Sto Lat. Happy 31st Birthday to you. Thinking of coming down to our area in the Chicago region , let us know. Stop by for a visit or an overnighter. Bye.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Aug 30, 1969-2006-PHOTO

We used to celebrate this day with Anna & Tony for their anniversary, but today I went out for lunch with just Anna. Remembering Tony in our own way and talking about him has made it a better day for both of us. What a great guy he was.

Well Lady, A Very Happy Birthday to you Anne, 8-31-06

Ha , thought we would forget. Well we wish you a very Happy Birthday today. May your wishes come true. May all your vacations be as good as this one was this year. See you on Sunday. Take care of yourself.

Happy 2nd Anniversary to you Mr. & Mrs. Mider.******NEW BABY UPDATE republ.

Sto Lat Jan & Janine Mider on your 2nd anniversary on 8-28-06. How do you like living in Colorado?
Also congratulations on your soon to arrive baby. Let us know the date when it does arrive. I am sure Babcia Genia will do it for us.
I found out today that on Jan & Jan"s Anniversary their son was born. Congratulations !! STO LAT to him and congrats to Mr & Mrs or will that be Mommy & Daddy now?
Hoping all is well and the everyone gets to enjoy the new little guy around the house soon. Congratulations to Babcia & Dziadzia on their newest grandchild. Have a safe trip to Colorado. Talk to you soon.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Can we hit all 50 states?

Daniella's post gave me an idea...

Let's see if we can hit all 50 states!
I'm sure we can find someone who has at some point either lived in, visited, or even driven through a state (no, flying over the state won't count). I know personally, I can name about 25 for those reasons. But there are some areas of the USA I've never been near, so that's where the group effort comes in.

Let's see if we can check off all 50 states as having been lived in or visited by someone reading these blogs! (Okay, if it comes down to it, then driving through the state will have to count, but I'd rather see if someone lived there or visited first!)

Here's a list of all 50 states.
Comment on this post and let us know where you've been!

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
and Washington DC

Diane is busy planning...

Well, let's see...
If she's not busy with Alex and Lauren, and she's not busy planning the new house stuff... then she's got to be busy planning something with Payton (and Janette and Paul)!

Could be she's busy doing something related to Payton's baptism that's coming up next month...

Or maybe Diane's planning her next visit to Florida?

Hmmm... not sure what she's doing, but I'm sure it's got to do with family!

Rocky start for new school year

Well, it's been a rocky start here at the Koivun house.

Last week Wednesday was the first day of school for the girls. Ela missed it because she was running a fever on Tuesday, accompanied by a sore throat.

For Stevie, last week Thursday was a "meet and greet" day at preschool, and Monday was his first actual day of preschool. But... on Sunday, he was running a fever and by 3pm that afternoon, he had a weepy right eye. Yup, green goo and bloodshot eyes... the whole deal. We went to the doctor on Monday - he missed school - and he got drops for his pink eye. Poor little guy missed school today as well, since he wasn't on the drops for 24hours as of this morning. But on the plus side, his fever hasn't returned. So it's been a couple of rough nights in our bed since Saturday, when Stevie first climbed into bed with us because he wasn't feeling well. Koy took to sleeping downstairs these past two nights, since Stevie kicks so much in his sleep. Hopefully, Stevie will be back in school tomorrow and feeling like his usual self!

Luckily, Julia has escaped this round of fevers, sore throats and pink eye... Let's hope her luck holds while Ela and Stevie fight off the rest of their viral infections!

On another topic, I wish the rain would stop. Or at least, that it would really thunderstorm for a couple of hours and then clear up. I'm tired of the humidity, tired of not having any sun peeking thru the clouds. It's WAY too early for Fall's oft-dismal weather. I'm hoping it clears up for the long weekend!

Hope your kickoff-to-school week went better than ours!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Who CLOSED on their house in 1994?

Yes it has been 12 years now, and by next summer you will be in your NEW home.

News FLASH--UPDATED 8-28-06

If you are reading this then you also know that Daniella is........ this winter. What is the blank? I don't know who is reading this or who wants to know. Post a comment and I will fill in the blank.
Well Daniella IS NOT pregnant, but her daugther in law is., She also has not won the lottery. She is having fun with the grandkids and just living day to day , happily.

Do you know it will be one year on Sept 5, when Stefan was diagnosed with Leukemia, already??? I am so proud of him fighting this thing and being on the road to recovery. We ALL are happy to see him feeling great.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

5 Years at Loyola

Who can this be? It has been 5 years since you started working at Loyola. Congratulations to you.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Mary & Richie Read the Blog sites....

I read that Mary & Richie Fedorowicz read the blogs. How nice of you guys to comment that you do. Now how about something about you then.... How are YOUR grandkids doing? Is Elizabeth living at home? Has she got a steady guy, how about it?

A very Happy 14th Birthday to Mike Juszczyk

Hey young man, how you doing? Happy Birthday to you. Sto Lat from your family in Park Ridge. Let us know how school is going for you..

First day in Pre-school for Stevie(Corrected 8-26-06)

Yes Stevie is now is school at pre-school. He will be going 3 times a week for 2 and a 1/2 hours. Wow, mom can really get stuff done now (ha ha).
He actually will be going 4 times a week Monday thru Thursday.

Happy 25th Birthday Mike Posvenski

Wishing you a lot of happiness, good health and a lot of friends. Hugs & Kisses from us here. Sto Lat to you.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Guess what Diane is up to lately

Want to know, ask her. She is very busy , but she will tell you.
Any guesses yet as to what she is busy with?

Hey you Arizonians and all my friends and family

Besides Arizona, I can think of other states that you live in: Illinois, Michigan, Washington, Florida, Indiana. You name it, we have family living there!

Do you read this? Then how about some feedback. This means you. Yes, you the one who is reading this!
You know you want to.
Let us know something about YOU.

From Suzia (08/29/06):
Hmmm... Let's see. You left out: Wisconsin - lots of Maca relatives live in Wisconsin! As far as my family thru marriage, you can add to your list: Oregon, California, Missouri, Arkansas, Iowa, New York, Pennsylvania, North Carolina. If I think of any more, I'll let you know!

Guess you all know by know that....

Well I think it was Tadzio & Kymm that had dinner at the Taj Mahal this summer. For more info ask them or me.

1st day back to class for ELA

Well actually her first day was yesterday, but Ela was a little under the weather. She missed her first day , so today is HER first day back to school. Ela also got a new haircut for the first day back to school.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Vacation Photos -set # 3 in 2006

Climbing onto the JUNGLE vines.
Karen and Stefan J. Maca.

Dziadzia and Suzia conquering the Tower Hill at Warren Dunes., they were well behind the kids. Babcia was even further to take pictures, of course.

Sunburned Popsie and Suzia.

Big sister Suzia and brother Steve.

1st Day of school for Julia 2006

Well it is back to school. Julia is now in the first grade. She loves it. She also got a new haircut for the first day back.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Happy Birthday to my Nephew Jason Dubiel-Photo

Jason Happy Birthday to you. Sto Lat also. May you have one heck of a year in Detroit. May your dreams come true. Love, Hugs & Kisses. We tried calling you.

Happy 59th Anniversary to the Strusinski's

Sto Lat, Wszystko tylko najlepszego dzisiaj w dniu waszego 59te rocznicy. (Diane's parents)

Sunday, August 20, 2006

More Vacation PHOTOS 2006

Hey look what Koy pushed into the ground...

In the sand at Silver Beach in St. Joseph, Michigan.

"Let's bury Babcia in the sand, yeah good idea.

All 11 of us posing next to our Dune Buggy in Mears, Michigan.

With the wind in our hair, and the light in our eyes.......Maddie and Babcia enjoy their ride in the sand.

Maca, Koivun & Maca VACATION 2006-photos

Well I know you are all waiting to see some pictures of our vacation. We had a wonderful time in St. Joseph , Michigan. On the beach (Warren Dunes or Silver Beach), in the rental house (where we all slept comfortably) , on the sand Dunes in Dune Buggy Rides(Mears Michigan). We got to see the "Bears Decorated" in St. Joseph downtown district. Seeing and hearing the Musical Water Fountains. Burying in the sand Babcia and wujek Steve. Seeing the sunsets from "our house". Walking the length of the pier to the Lighthouse.
Suzia's van even got an unexpected brake job done by Stefan while on vacation. Being together 24/7 was one of the things we did as a family, and we enjoyed ourselves doing it. We got to know each other a lot better. Meal times were fun, trying to get 11 people fed at the same time. We got to eat out in a restaurant one time. Our Ice cream and fudge treats were a delight to wait for in the evenings.

Seeing the Pier and Silver Beach area.

Getting a closer look at the Decorated"Bears"

This is what vacations are all about, yes?

On the beach after the Dune Buggy rides.

Our family portrait by the St. Joseph Fountain.

Happy Anniversary to Andy & Halina Bury-1972

Sto Lat to you guys. Hoping that you enjoyed yourselves at our house. Congratulations on your 34th year together.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Happy Anniversary to Gary & Joyce Kinberg-1974

Happy 32nd Anniversary to you two. Happy to know 2 people that enjoy the friendship of Halina & Andy as much as we do.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Sto Lat Marcin Krasinski 8-15-06

Happy Birthday to you. How is your family?

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Aug 13, 2006 Elizabeth Fedorowicz, STO LAT

Happy Birthday to Elizabeth on her 29th Birthday. Sto Lat to you. May your day be very happy and fun filled.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Off to Vacation in Michigan The Maca ,Maca & Koivun families

We will be leaving for our trip on Saturday morning. All eleven of us in one big house. We have 4 bedrooms there and 2 1/2 bathrooms. Hopefully the weather will co-operate for us this week. We will be staying in St. Joseph, Michigan. We are a walking distance to the Silver Beach there. Cooking duties have been spoken for already. Koy offered to make breakfasts, and dinners will be made by yours truely here. Rosul will be on the menu daily. ( Chicken soup for you that don't read Polish) . The rest of the gang will pick up odd duties as needed. The most important thing is that we will be spending time together as a family, having fun.
Pictures will definetely be posted upon our return.
Hoping your summer is going along smoothly also. Have fun, the end of August is soon upon us all and then you know, September is here.

NANCY Juszcyk you have a Birthday to celebrate on 8-13-06

Wishing you a terrific day on your Birthday. Happy 50th Birthday to you. Now you have only 50 to go to STO LAT.

THE one & only Andy Bury is having a Birthday on 8-12-06

STO LAT PAN ANDRZEJ. Happy 58th to you. Have a great time with your daughters and your wife in Wisconsin. Happy Golfing also.

Mathew Peksa, Happy Birthday to you. 8-12-06

Happy Birthday to you, I guess having a birthday on the same day as your uncle is neat. Do you get to celebrate twice? STO LAT to you.

Renee Peksa 8-17-06 Happy Birthday

Ha !! you thought I forgot about you. Sto Lat to you. Happy 25th to you. Hope you are having a great summer. How are your classes coming along?
P.S. I am posting this earlier, since I will be away from my computer this whole week.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

STO LAT Pan Krzysiek Krasinski-8-11-06

Sto Lat, Wszystkiego najlepszego dla ciebie. Happy 65th Birthday to you. Duzo zdrowia i pociechy z dzieci i wnukow i ze zony Gosii.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Stefan Jonathan Maca is ONE today 8-9-06-PHOTO

Our grandson Stefan J. Maca is now a big ONE today.
Had a great Birthday party. Enjoyed his first Birthday cake. Loved opening up all the presents, and had fun with his guests.
In just four months he will not be the baby anymore, but a big brother to ????? in December.

Basia Evans, Happy 39th Birthday 8-8-06

Hoping this finds you happy and healthy. STO LAT to you. How are Steve & Sydney?

Monday, August 07, 2006

BELATED Birthday wishes to Bonnie Galazka 8-05-06

Happy Birthday on August 5. Happy 30th to you. Sto Lat.

Pictures from the past- PHOTOS

Guess who some of these people are.............AND What are they doing????

3 Years ago today 8-07-03

Diane had knee surgery. Thank goodness she has recuperated, now she can Polka some more. Okay, if not Polka then she can play with her grandchildren more.

Beach, Sand, Swimming, Visiting,Roofing, Blueberry Picking????PHOTOS

Ok I know you must be doing something during the summer that is fun. Tell us about it. Let's keep up on each others lives. Summer goes by toooo fast to miss it. I know there are YOU people that live in other states also.

Saturday, August 05, 2006



Happy 33! Wow - does time fly by fast! Last I remember, you were just graduating high school! Where did the time go?!? It doesn't seem like very long, but it must be... you are married now 11 years and have three kids- 9, 7 and 4 years old already!

Hope you have a wonderful birthday!

We love you! Love, Mama and Popsie

Friday, August 04, 2006

Our Beautiful DAUGHTER is having a Birthday, Aug 5-PHOTO

SUZIA ...STO LAT. Hoping that your dreams come true. All of them. Happy 33rd Birthday. Hoping the day is great spending your special day with your nephew, Stefan J. Maca, on HIS FIRST Birthday Party.

What did YOU DO during the heat wave in 2006????

Did you do something special? Tell us about your experience with the heat wave......

Celebrating with a PARTY for a FIRST BIRTHDAY

Our grandson Stefan Jonathan Maca will be having a party on Saturday for his FIRST Birthday, which will be on Wed Aug 9, 2006.
What a special day that will be , he has grown up to be a very special "Pan Maca" to us.
He already has mastered the walking part that he started at 10 months and two weeks old. He is on regular milk, loves Babcia's rosul, will let you KNOW when he needs attention. Especially when it will be a diaper change or more drinks. His smile is contagious. You cannot help but smile when he smiles at you. Makes sure that his sister Maddie knows what is his.