Sunday, July 30, 2006

More of Janette & Payton's visit -PHOTO

Pra-Babcia Hela is taking in every moment being with Payton and Janette.

Ciocia Janette meets Stefan J. Maca for the first time.

Four generations.

HOT HOT Camping Trip-PHOTO

Stevie, Ela and Julia are buckled in for the trip.

Koy asks the kids, "Are you comfy back there ?"

Stefan said, Let's hit the road, Koy.

Yes Koy and Stefan took the three kids camping for three days. Koy's friend Steve from Ohio and his two daughters will meet up on the border of Ohio and Indiana for the camping trip.. They all will sleep in the camper. Oh yes there is A/C in the camper.

P.S. Suzia & Daniella stayed home to do their THING.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Payton visits Great Aunt & Great Uncle-PHOTO

Wujek/Great Wujek Stefan strikes a proud pose with his God-daughter Janette.

The ONE and only Miss Payton Makenzie Kuhn, getting her beauty sleep of course.

Yeah Welcome Payton Makenzie Kuhn to the Stefan Maca home. Your Great Aunt/Ciocia Daniella was delighted to get to meet you for the first time. We think you are as beautiful as your mommy, even though you resemble a lot of your daddy.

Thank you sooo much for stopping by to visit us especially when time is so short on visits back home.
Hoping to spend more time when you visit in August.

Great Grandma /Pra-Babcia Hela was in seventh heaven to meet her newest grandchild which makes that number eight for her. Soon she will be greeting number 9 grandchild in Nov/Dec.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Hey Waldek, STO LAT

I tried calling you, your daughter answered this morning,.... STO LAT, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you today. Happy 55th, you youngster.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Hey Tony this one is for you, Blow out the Candles.

The beads in back were a great plaything for kids. Does this look like a house from the 70's? You bet.
Sto Lat Happy 35th Birthday.

Happy Birthday Kris - PHOTO

Sto Lat my friend. Hope you are having a great Day. May Health, Happiness and Love come your way, every day.

Happy 37th Christine & Felix-PHOTO

Hoping you have a terrific day on your Anniversary in Florida. STO LAT TO YOU GUYS. How is living down there treating you guys?
Oh Oh, This is supposed to be Christine on your lap.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

The roof is done - another headache gone-PHOTO

After another spring spent trying to keep the attic dry, Daniella and Stefan needed to get the leaks in the roof fixed up. The shingles themselves did not need replacing, but the plywood beneath the shingles was damaged in spots. A few weeks ago, Stefan and Daniella stripped the shingles off the south side of their lower roof, the damaged plywood was replaced, and the tar paper was laid down.

On Saturday, July 22nd, four of us put up the shingles on that south side: Daniella, Stefan, Koy and Suzia. We started in the afternoon, took a dinner break during a brief thunderstorm, then finished up once the storm passed. We just managed to nail down the ridge shingles as we ran out of daylight! Now that the shingles have been replaced, the whole roof is good for another five years. Just thought I'd share some pictures with you...

Koy, Stefan and Daniella work on replacing the shingles

Julia and Stevie supervise the work (Ela was busy rollerblading with Pierre)

Suzia cuts the ridge shingles

Koy and Stefan watch and wonder...

...just what in the heck is Daniella doing anyway??!?!

(In case you're wondering, this is her idea of "helping!")

HA HA . I was wiping off my sweat. I did DO some work.

Friday, July 21, 2006


In 2004 I visited with Suzia and my Grandkids. That was really a funny feeling to be there and calling my grandkids to be careful by the pool. Especially saying "Watch out Stefciu" and it was my grandson.

Remember catching this turtle?
Stefciu, Andy, Suzia, Mikey and Tony at Sweet Cherry.

Stefciu, Kasia, Suzia and Richie.
In 1984 was the last time any of "US" went to Sweet Cherry. Then in 1991 we visited our vacation spot. What a difference, NO not really. Things stayed the same, our perception changed of what it looked like then. We couldn't believe that WE stayed there and had soooo much fun.

Our Andy is having a Birthday....7-22-2006-PHOTO

Andy Grygo and Richie Sasin

" Our" Andy is the little guy up front in the middle.. Hey see my Red Van in back? This was the "tops in comfort" for traveling for us back then. This was on our trip to Florida.

STO LAT and a very Happy Birthday to Andy Grygo on Saturday.
You make a wonderful daddy to your twins, Lauren & Alex.
Seems like just yesterday you were a little tike running around chasing your brother Tony. Today you are 31 and a father yourself. Your Dad would be so proud of you and your family. Hugs & Kisses to you. See you soon.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Happy 6th Birthday-Sydney-PHOTO

Here are a bunch of good wishes for Sydney Nicole Evans on her 6th Birthday. Sto Lat to you. Happy Birthday. May you get a lot of hugs & kisses from Babcia, your Ciocia Dana and uncle Lynn, and Wujek Chet.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Left the ARMY life for good in 1992-PHOTO

Diane, Bruno, Janette and Michelle left Army life for good in July of 1992. We have enjoyed their company ever since in the Chicago area. Cannot believe that time has flown by so fast already! Soon they will be moving a little further away from us, to a new house that is being built. The house is planned to be finished in June of 2007. This time the travel to their house will be only less than an hour. Good Luck, Good Health and Lots of Happiness in your new house.

The Burys are visiting Poland

Halina, Mikki and Halina's mom are still visiting Poland. They are planning on coming back by the end of this week, July 22. We would love to hear what kind of a trip this one was!


Sto Lat Pani Regina. Happy Birthday to you. How is life in Wisconsin now? Hi to you and Dennis. How is Robert?
P.S. do you know who is swimming next to you?

Mini Vac. Daniella Suzia Ela Julia & Stevie-PHOTO

(Julia's the one in the middle...)

Stevie and Babcia in the hotel room

Ela, Julia, Stevie and Suzia in front of the fountain

The kids sitting near the end of the North Pier, with the St Joseph Lighthouse

Julia got her own bed, Ela shared with Suzia, Stevie shared with Babcia

Stevie and Ela having fun in the pool

We went to one of our favorite places that's close by, St. Joseph, Michigan, for 3 days again this year. We also went to the beach to cool off, especially with the temperatures reaching close to 100 this whole week. We stopped by to see the Lighthouse and the sights in town. This year we got to enjoy the Venetian Night Festival there. A small disappoinment was that the "Bears on the Beach" that were decorated for this year were put into storage. Too much damage was done last year to the decorated carousel horses during the Festival. We'll have to spend a day walking around downtown St. Joseph to see the Bears when we go back in August.

Family up-dated Picture-PHOTO

Just a recent update on what we (11) look like this summer.
Karen is feeling fine and is halfway through her pregnancy. Steve is working at his new job. Stefan is feeling fine after his last check-up at the doctor's office. The rest of us are just having a grand time this summer. Little Stefan has been walking since he was 10 months and 2 weeks. Ela was away at camp, Julia is learning to rollerblade, Maddie is learning to pedal the tricycle, and Stevie is on his bigger tricycle. As of this date, Suzia & Koy have celebrated their 11th year together as husband and wife..... the temperature back then was 105, today it is ONLY 98.

Today Karen & Steve went to the Cubs game and invited Suzia & Koy as their guests, while all 5 of the grandchildren stayed with Babcia & Dziadzia for the evening and some stayed for overnight.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Well here they are, 11 years later... A busy house that has seen 3 beautiful children, 1 dog, 2 cats, remodeling of that house, numerous cuts, bumps and bruises later, and lots of hugs and kisses. This is what a happy family looks like to us. STO LAT to you! HAPPY DAY celebrating.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Thursday, Leaving on Mini vac with....PHOTO

These pictures are from LAST years trip to Michigan.
I am going on a mini vacation with Suzia, Ela, Julia & Stevie. We are doing our yearly mother-daughter (&kids) trip. We have done these trips since Ela was born. We try to leave for at least 3 - 4 days ALONE. No husbands on these trips. We are going to the Venetian Night Festival in St. Joseph, Michigan this year.

7-12-06 Diane & Bruno return from Florida

Diane & Bruno are in Florida visiting with their newest granddaughter Payton. She is ONE month now. Seems like we were waiting for her arrival so long and now here it is one month after her BIRTH DAY.
See newest pictures and updates of Payton on Janette & Paul's website

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Jerry Schmidt- HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you 7-11-2006-PHOTO

Wishing you a terrific day to celebrate your birthday today. Many good wishes go your way, for health , happiness and success. Hoping that you can take it easy and away from Bramic for one day to enjoy your birthday. PS. I see that you did not take the day off.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Planning AHEAD in July.....

Trying to get a group together to go Blueberry picking at Blueberries of Indiana and then to the Beach on Warren Dunes, or Silver Beach, July 30, Sunday, 2006. Let me know ( by email or Phone) if you would like to join us there. This way we could be looking out for YOU.

STO LAT Blizniaki -Joe & Ted Galazka-7-9-2006

Zyczenia dla was w dniu urodzin waszego. STO LAT. Happy 58th Birthday to you Joe & Ted.

Happy Birthday Ken Caluwe-July 8, 2006-PHOTO

Being a daddy to 3 beautiful girls and a grandfather to 5 at the moment, you look great. Have a terrific day. ENJOY.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

4th of JULY 2006

A very HAPPY 4th of JULY to ALL.Maddie had the right idea, taking it EASY.

Cooling it off in Babcia's tub.

Karen catches a few ZZZZZZZZZZ

Stefan on his return trip for the day poses with Maddie.
She loves to push the HORN button.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Fourth of July to all! ! !

Hoping all is well with everyone and that all are planning on doing something with family or friends. Let "us" know what you did.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Happy Birthday Mr. Mike on the Fourth of July

Mike in Florida, have a great "Bang" of a Birthday Today. (Anna's brother).

Great TWINS Bth Party July 2, 2006-PHOTOS

Alex waiting for HIS slice of cake.

Lauren enjoying HER slice already.
We had a great time. Enjoyed seeing the kids in our extended families.

Got to see the beautiful house of Mish & Andy.